On this page:
Getting notices by email
The law says that your provider must give you any notices and documents in person or by mail. You can also choose to get notices, documents and other information from your provider by email. You need to give your provider permission to do this by:
You can change your mind at any time. Tell your provider in writing if you do not want to communicate by email anymore.
If your email address changes, you must give your provider your new email address straight away.
Notice of temporary relocation
If you get a Notice of temporary relocation from your provider, you must move out of your room or the property for up to 90 days. Your provider will find you a place to live during the relocation.
To see what this notice looks like download the:
Easy Read guides are a summary of the notice written in an easy to read way. You cannot use them to give notice.
When can I get a Notice of temporary relocation?
Your provider can give you this notice if you:
- make other residents or staff at the property feel unsafe
- are a danger to yourself
- stop other residents from using the property
- cannot be properly supported at the property anymore
- need to move out for your own safety
- have seriously damaged or destroyed any part of the property. This does not apply if the damage is due to:
- fair wear and tear
- an accident
- reasonable use of any equipment you need to help you with your disability.
- have used the property to do illegal things
- need to move out because there will be repairs or renovations
- need to move out because the property is no longer specialist disability accommodation.
Where do I go if I have to leave the property?
If the notice tells you to move out of the property, your provider must find you somewhere suitable to live until you move back. If your room is being repaired or renovated, ask your provider if there is another room you can move into. If there is, your provider must give you this option before finding you somewhere else to live.
When can I move back in?
The notice will tell you the date you can move back in.
What happens if I got a Notice to vacate as well?
Sometimes, your provider might give you a Notice to vacate as well – this means you must move out for good. The Notice to vacate must be for the same reason you got the Notice of temporary relocation.
Your provider can only give you a Notice to vacate at least 24 hours after giving you a Notice of temporary relocation. For more information, go to Notices to end an SDA residency.
Can my provider change their mind?
Yes. Your provider can cancel the notice before you move out. They must give you a Notice of withdrawal to SDA resident (Word, 667KB).
Easy Read guides are a summary of the notice written in an easy to read way. You cannot use them to give notice.
Notice of entry to residents
We have developed a notice for your provider to tell you that they need to enter your room or the property to carry out their duties.
For more information, go to Entry into your SDA room or the property.
Notice of rent increase for SDA residency agreements
Your provider cannot increase the rent more than once every 6 months.
They must give you and your guardian or administrator (if you have one), at least 60 days' notice in writing.
To see what a Notice of rent increase for SDA residency agreements looks like, download the Notice of rent increase for SDA residency agreements and the Easy Read Notice of rent increase to renters of rented premises (Word, 32KB) or (PDF, 4.4MB).
For more information on rent increases, go to Rental payments in SDA.
Notice of intention to sell
Your provider must give you a Notice of intention to sell if they are selling the property.
Notices that you can send to your SDA provider
Breach of duty notice to SDA provider
Easy Read guides are a summary of the notice written in an easy to read way. You cannot use them to give notice.
You can give your provider this notice if:
- they do not treat you with dignity and respect
- they do not install things you need to help with your disability
- they do not give you privacy
- the property is not maintained
- the property is not secure
- they do not try to reduce your inconvenience or disruption from repairs or renovations
- renovations take too long or are not done by qualified tradespeople
- they unreasonably refuse to let you keep a pet.
For more information, go to Breach of duty section on Responsibilities of SDA providers.
Notice to SDA provider
Download the:
Easy Read guides are a summary of the notice written in an easy to read way. You cannot use them to give notice.
Use this notice to:
- get your provider’s permission to install something in the property
- ask your provider to fix a non-urgent repair
- ask your provider to fix an urgent repair
- tell your provider that you want to end your agreement and move out of the property (intention to vacate).
Request a rental assessment
We've developed an that residents can complete to request an investigation into a rent increase that the resident believes is too high. Go to Rental payments in SDA.
Application to investigate repairs
Residents can complete an Application to Director to request an investigation into non-urgent repairs that haven't been fixed. Go to Repairs and maintenance in SDA.