For SDA residents Skip listen and sharing tools Beginning a residency In this section: Resources for SDA residents Download agreements and information statements, including Easy English versions. See a flowchart for starting an agreement. Main differences between the types of agreements Compare an SDA residency agreement with a Residential rental agreement. What you and your provider need to do Information about the types of agreements available for SDA. Find out what you and your SDA provider must do. Changes to the law See how the law has changed and how it affects you. Paying rent in SDA Find out how often you can pay rent, the maximum amount for rent in advance and information about Reasonable rent contribution (RRC). Starting an agreement with your SDA provider Read about when you can enter into or establish an agreement for SDA. Existing residential statements Read about what happens to existing residential statements under the Disability Act 2006. Checklists for SDA residents Print this page for step-by-step instructions on starting an agreement with your provider. Includes a summary of some of your rights in SDA. Organisations that can help SDA residents A list of organisations, their contact details and what they can help you with. During a residency In this section, you will find information about: Responsibilities of residents during an SDA residency Information about your rights and 桃色视频, including breach of duty and house rules. Repairs and maintenance Find out about repairs and maintenance processes, including for urgent and non-urgent repairs. Entry into your room or the property Read about when someone can enter your room or the property. Rent, bonds and other costs Explains your 桃色视频 for paying rent, bond and other costs, such as bills. Community visitors Read about who community visitors are and how they can help you. Notices during an SDA residency See a list of notices you can give your provider, and your provider can give to you. Complaints Find out how to make a complaint about the property, your provider, your plan or the agreement. Extending an agreement in SDA Information about how you and your provider can extend the agreement. Ending a residency In this section, you will find information about: How to end an agreement in SDA Read about the different ways you and your provider can end the agreement. Notices to end an SDA residency See a list of notices you and your provider can use to end the residency, including information about possession orders. Goods left behind in SDA Find out what happens if you leave anything in the property after you move out. Back To Top