
Repairs and maintenance in SDA

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Urgent repairs

What is an urgent repair?

An urgent repair must be fixed immediately. If an immediate repair is not possible, you must arrange to have it fixed as soon as possible, and at least within two days. If you do not, the resident can apply to VCAT to get an order for the repair to be made.

Urgent repairs are:

  • a burst water service
  • a blocked or broken toilet
  • a serious roof leak
  • a gas leak
  • a dangerous electrical fault
  • flooding or serious flood damage
  • serious storm or fire damage
  • an essential service or appliance that is not working properly, or not working at all, such as, hot water, water, heating, cooking, laundering, gas or electricity
  • any fault or damage that makes the property unsafe or not secure
  • a serious fault in a lift or staircase.

For more information, go to Repairs in rental properties.

Non-urgent repairs

A non-urgent repair is any issue that is not an urgent repair. You must fix non-urgent repairs within 14 days.

For more information, go to Repairs in rental properties.