For information about paying rent, rent increases and rent arrears, view Paying rent in SDA.
You do not pay a bond if you enter into or establish an SDA residency agreement.
If you sign a Residential rental agreement, your provider can ask you to pay a bond. For more information, view Lodging the bond.
Other costs
You must pay the usage charge for gas, power, water and other utilities.
Your provider pays for other utility charges (like installation), as well as any rates or taxes.
If you get an expensive usage bill because something is faulty, your provider must pay for the extra amount. If your provider refuses to pay, you can apply to VCAT for a decision. Visit .
Example only
Your water usage bill is generally $100 a quarter. Your next usage bill is $300 a quarter. The reason the bill is so high is because a pipe burst, causing a water leak. In this case, you pay $100 of the bill as you normally would, and your provider pays $200.