
Fees and forms - rooming house operators

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The table below sets out fees for the 2024-25 financial year.



Fee (all amounts are GST exempt)

Create a myCAV account to apply for a licence or change licence details Free
Apply for an individual licence
Apply for an organisation/body corporate licence

Notify of any changes to individual licence details

Notify of any changes to organisation licence details

View and print your licence certificate
Apply for a licence per relevant person (manager or officer)

Licence (3-year initial term) N/A $587.10
Consent to nationally coordinated criminal history and other record checks
Consent to Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check (Word, 622KB)
Apply to renew your individual or organisation licence

Apply to renew licence per relevant person (manager or officer)

Licence upon renewal (3-year term)
N/A $587.10
Licence upon renewal (4-year term)
N/A $782.70
Licence upon renewal (5-year term)
N/A  $978.50
Withdraw a licence application  Send the Business Licensing Authority (BLA) a request to withdraw your application using the BLA enquiry form
Search and copy of an extract from, or copy of, the register
Send the BLA a request using the BLA enquiry form
Obtain a certified extract from, or copy of, the register
Send the BLA a request using the BLA enquiry form

Fee conditions

  • The initial term for the licence is up to 3 years.
  • At the end of that initial term, the licensee will be invited to renew their licence for a term of either 3, 4 or 5 years.
  • The application and licence fee must be paid at the time of application.
  • The total application fee includes:
    • the application fee, and
    • the licence fee, and
    • a fee for each relevant person if applicable (rooming house manager/s and relevant person/s for an organisation licence – go to Definitions).
  • If the application is withdrawn or refused, the licence fee will be refunded and the application fee may be partially or wholly refunded.
  • Online payment is by Visa or Mastercard credit/debit card only.