
Business Licensing Authority enquiry

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Use this form to email your question to the Business Licensing Authority (BLA).

Before you start

  • Please provide as much information as possible, so we can give you the most appropriate advice. To help us respond more quickly, please provide a daytime phone number.
  • Asking a question will take about 5 minutes to complete.
  • The form will automatically refresh after 40 minutes and clear all of your answers. However, the form will prompt you first to extend the time limit by another 40 minutes.
  • The Business Licensing Authority no longer plays a role in regulating the sex work industry after the repeal of the Sex Work Act 1994 on 1 December 2023. For information about the decriminalisation of sex work, including important regulators for the sex work industry, view Decriminalising sex work in 桃色视频.

We will try to respond to your enquiry within 2 business days.