
Community visitors and record keeping

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Community visitors

Community visitors are volunteers who have legal powers to visit residents at the property. Their job is to make sure residents are being cared for and supported with dignity and respect. Residents can tell them about any issues or concerns they have. Community visitors report back to the Office of the Public Advocate.

They can visit at any time, with or without notice. For more information, go to Community visitors to SDA.

If you or the provider are present when the community visitor visits, the provider must keep a record of the visit.

Record keeping

The provider must keep records about:

  • payments made by the resident, including rent
  • requests from residents for repairs or maintenance, and what they did about those requests
  • complaints from residents, and what they did about those complaints
  • community visitors – if the provider was present during the visit.

The provider must keep these records for five years and let residents inspect them.