
Property manager guide - getting started with RTBA Online

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RTBA Online is a safe and secure system for electronic bond transactions that allows you to complete bond transactions online in a quick and convenient way. All licensed estate agencies must have an RTBA Online account to complete bond transactions with the RTBA. You can have multiple authorised users on this account. 

Register your agency with RTBA Online

You will need:

  • agency licence number
  • ABN
  • bank account details for bond payments/repayments
  • Officer in Effective Control details
  • agency’s contact details, including email address.

1.    Visit and select Register.

2.    Under Property Manager Registration, select ‘Register as a Licensed Estate Agent’ and follow the steps.

3.    Enter your bank details as a part of your registration to enable electronic transactions. You can update these details at a later date via the ‘Property Manager Administration’ tab by selecting the ‘Bank details’ option.

4.    Once you have registered with RTBA Online, record your agency’s RTBA number which will appear on the final confirmation screen

Register as an approved user on an agency’s RTBA Online account

You will need:

  • RTBA Online Number
  • access code.

(Registered RTBA Online users can access this information through the ‘Property Manager Administration’ tab)

1.    Visit and select Register.

2.    Select ‘Register’, then choose ‘Create RTBA Online User’, and follow the steps.

3.    A confirmation email will be sent to the RTBA Online Administrator with the password to your account. All new accounts are granted Level 1 access. Ask your Administrator to give you Level 2 access to complete electronic transactions.

Visit RTBA Online at or call 1300 137 164 for more information.