
Property manager guide - claiming a bond

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RTBA Online is a safe and secure system for making electronic bond transactions. Rental providers (landlords), real estate agents and property manager can claim bonds online in a quick and convenient way.

Before submitting a bond claim

You and your renter (tenant) should agree on how the bond will be divided.

You need level 2 or 3 access to claim a bond online. If you have level 1 access, speak to your level 3 Administrator to upgrade your access level.

To check your access level, visit and sign in. Select ‘Manage my registration’ and select ‘Update personal details’. Your access level will be listed at the top.

Note: If you are claiming a bond with a VCAT order, you can access the relevant guide here.

How to claim a bond

  1. Select ‘Manage your bonds’.

  2. Enter your bond number, address details or tenant surname and select ‘Search for bond’.

  3. Select ‘Refund this bond’ from the navigation on the left.

  4. Select ‘Tenant agreement’, and ‘Electronic’ for your transaction method, then ‘Proceed to bond details’.

  5. Enter the amount being paid to the property manager, if any, then ‘Proceed to tenant details’.

  6. Enter the amount to be paid to each renter (tenant) and update any renter contact details where required.

  7. Select ‘Confirm details’ and ensure all details are correct.

  8. If changes are required, select 'Back to tenant details'.

  9. If all details are correct, select ‘Submit claim’.

  10. You will now see the Electronic Transaction confirmation page. Record the Electronic Transaction number, as this can be used to track your transaction.

  11. Each renter will be sent a text (if a mobile number was provided) and an email with a link to confirm the claim.

  12. Once all renters have confirmed, the claim will be finalised. The bond will be repaid as agreed and a confirmation email will be sent to all parties.

    If the renters do not respond to the link within seven days, all parties will receive a reminder.

    If the renters do not respond within 14 days, the claim will be cancelled and all parties will be notified.

  13. If a renter requests changes to the claim, you will be notified via email.

  14. To manage pending claims, select ‘Manage your Electronic Transactions’.

For more information, visit or call 1300 137 164.

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