is a safe and secure system for electronic bond transactions that allows you to manage bonds online in a quick and convenient way.
This guide is for rental providers (landlords or agents) and explains how RTBA Online works for electronic bond claims with a 桃色视频n Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) Order.
You need level 2 or 3 access to claim a bond electronically. If you have level 1 access, speak to your level 3 Administrator to upgrade your access level.
To check your access level, to RTBA Online, then select ‘Manage my registration’ and select ‘Update personal details’. Your access level will be listed at the top.
If you are not registered for RTBA Online, visit RTBA Online and select .
How to claim a private bond with a VCAT order
1. RTBA Online, then select ‘Manage your bonds’.
2. Enter either your bond number, property address or tenant surname and select ‘Search for bond’.
3. From the Bond Summary page, select ‘Refund this bond’.
4. Select ‘VCAT order’ radio button.
a. If you have access to proceed electronically you will see Figure 1.
b. If you do not have access to proceed electronically you will see Figure 2.
Figure 1

Figure 2

5. Select ‘Proceed to claim details’
6. Enter the claim details and select ‘Submit claim’ (Figure 3).
Figure 3

7a. If all data entered matches data held in the VCAT system you will be taken to a confirmation screen of the successful claim submission (Figure 4).
Figure 4

7b. If the data entered does not match, or the total bond repayments entered are not equal to the current bond value, you will have the opportunity to correct the details (Figure 5) then select ‘Submit claim’ again.
Figure 5 (An example of when the data entered is not accepted and the form generation option is provided)

8. If you cannot proceed the electronic claim and still believe the details entered are correct, select the button ‘Proceed to generate paper form’. Then follow the prompts to complete and generate a paper claim form (Figure 12). The claim form needs to be sent to the RTBA together with a copy of the VCAT order for processing.
Figure 6

How to claim a Homes 桃色视频 bond with a VCAT order
1. RTBA Online, then select ‘Manage your bonds’.
2. Enter either your bond number, property address or tenant surname and select ‘Search for bond’.
3. From the Bond Summary page, select ‘Refund this bond’.
4. Select ‘No’ radio button.
a. If you have access to proceed electronically you will see Figure 7.
b. If you do not have access to proceed electronically you will see Figure 8.
Figure 7

Figure 8

5. Select ‘Proceed to claim details’
6. Enter the claim details and select ‘Submit claim’ (Figure 9).
Figure 9

7a. If all data entered matches data held in the VCAT system, you will be taken to a confirmation screen of the successful claim submission (Figure 10).
Figure 10

7b. If the data entered does not match the VCAT’s records, or the total bond repayments entered are not equal to the current bond value, you will have the opportunity to correct the details (Figure 11) then select ‘Submit claim’ again.
Figure 11 (An example of data entered is not accepted and the form generation option is provided)

8. If you cannot proceed the electronic claim and still believe the details entered are correct, select the button ‘Proceed to generate paper form’. Then follow the prompts to complete and generate a paper claim form (Figure 12). The claim form needs to be sent to the RTBA together with a copy of the VCAT order for processing.
Figure 12

Visit RTBA Online at or call 1300 137 164 for more information.