
Maintaining and renovating individual lots in an owners corporation

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As a lot owner in an owners corporation (formerly body corporate), you:

  • are entitled to renovate or refurbish the interior of your apartment or unit. You must notify your owners corporation if the renovations require a building or planning permit
  • must keep the exterior of your lot in 'good and serviceable repair'. Its appearance must not affect other lot owners’ use and enjoyment of the property.

If an owner fails to keep the exterior in good and serviceable repair, an owners corporation can, in writing, order the owners to carry out repairs.

If the requested repairs are not carried out within 28 days, the owners corporation can perform the work without the lot owner’s approval and charge the owner for the cost.

Download the Notice of owners corporation repairs/maintenance (Word, 60KB).

Download the Notice of planning, building applications and plans of subdivisions - owners corporations (Word, 50KB).