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If you do not agree that the repairs/maintenance are necessary or you need an extension of time to carry out the repairs/maintenance, you can contact the owners corporation to discuss the matter. You can also request from and lodge an official complaint with the owners corporation by completing a Complaint to owners corporation form. If you are not satisfied with the outcome you can: contact Consumer Affairs ɫƵ on 1300 55 81 81 or visit the HYPERLINK "http://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/contact"Consumer Affairs ɫƵ website (consumer.vic.gov.au/contact) for information and advice, or apply directly to the ɫƵn Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) to hear your case. For more information on VCAT applications call 1300 01 8228 (1300 01 VCAT) or visit the  HYPERLINK "http://www.vcat.vic.gov.au" ɫƵn Civil and Administrative Tribunal website (vcat.vic.gov.au). Calling this number costs the same as a local call. Additional charges may apply if you call from overseas, on a mobile or payphone. A neighbouring Occupier or Lot Owner may independently apply to VCAT seeking an order for the repairs to be carried out before the 28 days of this Notice. Your personal information is required by law to be disclosed in respect of repair of the property. Records of notices must be kept by the Owners Corporation for 7 years. This Notice can be served electronically, by fax, in person or by post. If served electronically it does not require the signature but must include the name, title and contact telephone number of the person serving the Notice.     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