
Play it safe at home

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Some household items can pose a range of safety hazards for young children.

We urge parents and carers to check their homes for common safety hazards that could injure them.

Check household items (particularly those identified below) and consider child safety for new, second-hand and pre-loved products.

Take steps to reduce risks, particularly those associated with:

  • curtain and blind cords. These an cause strangulation if caught around a child's neck
  • nursery furniture, including change tables and cots. Risks include falls and injuries when children get caught in gaps
  • trampolines. There are more than 3000 injuries associated with trampolines every year, including cuts, bruises, sprains and fractures
  • pools and spas. Risks include drowning, slips and injuries related to unsafe equipment, such as open potty-shaped skimmer boxes, unsafe filter boxes and outlets
  • single and bunk beds. Children can get caught in gaps in bed ends, risking suffocation or other serious injury
  • button batteries. Parents and carers should also be aware of the risks posed by button batteries. These can cause life-threatening injuries if swallowed by a child; they are found in common household items, such as:
    • remote controls
    • laptops
    • remote entry car keys
    • toys
    • watches
    • singing books and musical greeting cards.

Play it safe at home videos

Blind cord safety 

Skip video: Play it safe at home - Blind and curtain cord safety
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For more information, view our Curtain and blind cord safety page.

Button batteries

Skip video: Play it safe at home - Button batteries
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For more information, visit

Cots and nurseries

Skip video: Play it safe at home - Cots and nurseries
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For more information, visit

Pool safety

Skip video: Play it safe at home - Pool safety
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For more information, visit the .

Trampoline safety

Skip video: Play it safe at home - Trampoline safety
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For more information, watch the .