
Products and services

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  • Refunds repairs and returns

    Refunds, repairs and returns

    Guarantees, warranties, returns, sales, chargeback, receipts, linked products/services, insolvency, compensation, repairs

  • Problems with a product

    Problems with a product

    Product is faulty, damaged, cannot be repaired, not fit for purpose, missing parcels, unclear ownership, uncollected

  • Problem with a service

    Problems with a service

    Service not done with due care and skill, not fit for purpose, took too long, caused damage, cancelling a contract

  • Energy products and services

    Energy products and services

    Solar energy, comparing prices, embedded electricity networks, resolve problems, efficiency, smart meters

  • Business practices

    Business practices

    Lay-bys, gift cards, store policies, contracts, marketing practices, country of origin, parallel imports, penalties

  • Online shopping

    Online shopping

    Online, private sellers, Australian or overseas businesses, safety tips, group buying and daily deals, penny auctions

  • Product safety

    Product safety

    Banned products and recalls, report an unsafe product, safety at home, quad bikes, market stallholder checklist