Caravan and residential park residents – disaster advice

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Call our dedicated flood support helpline on 1800 803 800 for information and advice about renting in caravan or residential parks.

Open 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday (except public holidays).

If you cannot live in your home because of flood damage

The can help with: 

  • finding you somewhere to stay
  • organising a of the caravan you rent or own. 

Call 1800 560 760. Open 7:30am – 7:30pm every day.

If you own your home and rent a site for it

You can end a site agreement early if you need temporary crisis accommodation or in other specified circumstances. Use the Notice to part 4A site owner (Word, 741KB) form.

Otherwise, you can only end a site agreement early if the site owner agrees. If the site owner does agree, record it in writing.

For more information about ending a site agreement read our Site tenant giving notice of intention to vacate page.

If you rent both your home and site

If the caravan you rent is unsafe or unfit to live in because of flood damage, you can end your rental agreement immediately. Use the Notice to owner of caravan or caravan park (Word, 728KB) form. 

For more information read our Caravan park resident giving a notice of intention to vacate page.

If you left any of your belongings behind

You should contact the park owner as soon as possible to collect them. You are allowed to collect your belongings, even if:

  • you owe rent, or
  • the park owner has a possession order (sometimes called an eviction order).

For more information read our Goods left behind by renters page.

Repairs in caravan and residential parks

Working out who should pay for repairs depends on the way that you rent in a caravan or residential park.

If you own your home and rent a site for it

You may have a ‘Part 4A’ site agreement with the park owner if you: 

  1. live in a caravan or residential park
  2. own a moveable dwelling, and 
  3. rent the site the dwelling is on. 

Part 4A site agreements only cover the land that is being rented for your home. For repairs, this means that: 

  • you are responsible for repairs to your home
  • the site owner is responsible for any repairs to the site and communal park facilities. They must make repairs as soon as possible.

You should tell the park owner in writing about any damage to their site or the park’s shared facilities. 

For more information about Part 4A site agreements read our Site agreements in residential parks and villages page.

If you rent both your home and site

You may have a written or verbal agreement with the park owner that lets you live at the park.

For repairs, this means the park owner is responsible for all repairs to: 

  • your home
  • the underlying site
  • the park’s shared facilities.

You should tell the park owner in writing about any damage to your home, site or the park’s shared facilities. For more information on caravan park agreements read our Residency in a caravan park page.

Park owners must make repairs as soon as possible

But after a flood there are many things that can affect how fast repairs can be made. If you believe the park owner hasn't made repairs as soon as possible, call our dedicated flood support helpline on 1800 803 800 for advice.