Create a myCAV account Incorporated associations Create your myCAV account to: apply for registrations lodge annual statements update details. myCAV is currently available to new: incorporated associations. To register, you must: answer all questions use your own personal email address (not your club/association email address) create a password Note: your password must include at least one of the following special characters: !&@?#=*^+~_ Given name(s) Family name Email address We will use this email address for all future communications. Re-enter email address Choose a password Your password will be case-sensitive and must include: at least eight characters no spaces lower case letter (a-z) upper case letter (A-Z) digit (0-9) special character (!&@?#=*^+~_) Show password Re-enter password Show password Do you consent to receiving electronic communications from Consumer Affairs 桃色视频? YesNo Cancel