Application for review of decision
If your application is refused by the Business Licensing Authority (BLA), you may be able to apply to the 桃色视频n Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) for review of the BLA’s decision in very limited circumstances.
You must show that the refusal was based on an error of fact in relation to whether you meet the licence qualification criteria. For example, if your application is refused by the BLA on the grounds that you were convicted of a serious criminal offence of the type set out in either section 17 or section 18 of the Rooming House Operators Act 2016, you could appeal that decision if you can show you were not convicted of the offence.
You can apply to the BLA to provide a copy of the reasons for its decision. You must do so within 28 days of the decision being made.
Important: If you wish to apply to VCAT for a review of the decision, you must do so within 28 days of:
- the determination date, or
- the day the BLA provides its reasons to you, or advises you that it will not provide reasons.
After VCAT’s decision
If your review is successful, you will receive a licence for a three year period.
If your review is unsuccessful, you will need to issue notices to vacate to residents or tenants within seven days of VCAT's decision to uphold the determination of the BLA.
For information on closing your rooming house and ending your licence, view Closing a rooming house.