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Term Meaning
Building industry 

The description of the building industry is based on the definitions of ‘building work’ and ‘building’ in section 3(1) of the Building Act 1993.

The building industry encompasses work for or in connection with the construction, demolition or removal of all types of buildings. Buildings include all classes of buildings under the National Construction Code, structures, temporary buildings, temporary structures and any part of a building or structure.

Direct supervision

A person:

  • directs another person in the carrying out of professional engineering services, and
  • oversees and evaluates the carrying out of the services by the other person.
Endorsed building engineer A professional engineer whose registration is endorsed to work in the building industry.
Non-practising professional engineer A registered professional engineer who does not carry out, and is not responsible for the carrying out of, professional engineering services.
Practising professional engineer A registered professional engineer who carries out, or is responsible for the carrying out of, professional engineering services.
Prescriptive standard

A document that states procedures or criteria:

  • for carrying out a design, or a construction or production activity, relating to engineering, and
  • the application of which, to the carrying out of the design, or the construction or production activity, does not require advanced scientifically based calculations.
Professional engineering service

An engineering service that requires, or is based on, the application of engineering principles and data to a:

  • design relating to engineering, or
  • construction, production, operation or maintenance activity relating to engineering –
    other than an engineering service that is provided only in accordance with a prescriptive standard.
Unsatisfactory professional conduct

For a professional engineer, this includes:

  • conduct that is of a lesser standard than that which might reasonably be expected of the registered professional engineer by the public or by the engineer's professional peer
  • conduct that demonstrates incompetence, or a lack of adequate knowledge, skill, judgement or care, in the practice of engineering
    misconduct in a professional respect
  • fraudulent or dishonest behaviour in the practice of engineering, and
  • other improper or unethical conduct.