
Assessment schemes - Apply for approval

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An organisation can make an application to the Business Licensing Authority (BLA) for approval of:

  • new assessment schemes
  • variations to approved assessment schemes, and
  • the renewal of expiring assessment schemes.

Approval of new assessment schemes

Any organisation can prepare an assessment scheme and apply to the BLA for approval of that scheme. Organisations that administer assessment schemes are known as assessment entities.

An application for approval of a new assessment scheme must be made using the Application for approval of an assessment scheme, renewal of or variation to an approved assessment scheme for professional engineers (Word, 75KB) form and be accompanied by:

  • sufficient information to enable the BLA to make a decision on the application – the information required is set out in section 34 of the Professional Engineers Registration Act 2019 and explained in the Guidelines for applying for approval of assessment schemes
  • the new assessment scheme that is proposed for approval, and
  • the application fee of $5,225.60.

Approval of variations to assessment schemes

An assessment entity wishing to make a change to its approved assessment scheme must apply to the BLA for approval to vary the scheme.

An application to vary an existing assessment scheme must be made using the Application for approval of an assessment scheme, renewal of or variation to an approved assessment scheme for professional engineers (Word, 75KB) and be accompanied by:

  • sufficient information to enable the BLA to make a decision on the application – the information required is set out in section 34 of the Professional Engineers Registration Act 2019 and explained in the Guidelines for applying for approval of assessment schemes
  • the proposed variation or variations, and
  • the application fee for a variation of $1,420.70.

Approval of renewals of assessment schemes

An application for renewal of an assessment scheme must be made at least 28 days before the current approval of that scheme ends.

An application for renewal must be on the Application for approval of an assessment scheme, renewal of or variation to an approved assessment scheme for professional engineers (Word, 75KB) form and accompanied by the renewal application fee of $5,225.60.

You must include the same information that must accompany an application to approve a new assessment scheme with an application to renew an approved assessment scheme.

How to apply for approval of an assessment scheme

An organisation can submit a completed application to the BLA at any time. For questions about an application, email blaengineers@dgs.vic.gov.au.

After lodging an application for approval

Once an organisation's application is received, the BLA will assess it and notify you of its decision.

Processing time

It may take up to three months to make a decision on an application for approval of a new assessment scheme and renewal of an expiring assessment scheme.

Additional information

When considering an application, the BLA may request further information and documents.

The request will be by email and will specify a date set by the BLA or agreed with the assessment entity, by which the information and documents must be provided.

If the information and documents are not provided by that date the application is taken to be withdrawn.

Change to details

An assessment entity must notify the BLA of any changes in the information it provided within 30 days.

Deciding an application

The BLA may:

  • grant an application for approval without conditions
  • grant an application for approval with conditions, and
  • refuse an application for approval.

The approval of a new assessment scheme and renewal of an expiring assessment scheme may be for a period of up to five years. The approval of a variation to an approved assessment scheme does not extend the approval period for a scheme.

The details for approved assessment schemes and the assessment entities administering those schemes are included in the public record of assessment entities. Go to Public record of approved assessment entities.

If the BLA proposes to grant an application with conditions or to refuse an application, it must notify the assessment entity in writing of its proposed decision.

The BLA must then give the assessment entity 28 days to reply in writing to the proposed decision.

Where an application is granted with conditions or refused, the assessment entity may apply to the (VCAT) for a review of the decision within 28 days.

Surrender of approval

An assessment entity may surrender the approval of its assessment scheme by giving notice to the BLA. The surrender of the approval takes effect 90 days after the notice is given, or at a later date if specified in the notice.

Suspension and cancellation

After undertaking a show cause process, the BLA may suspend or cancel an approval of an assessment scheme if:

  • the approval was granted because of a materially false or misleading representation or declaration
  • the assessment scheme stops being suitable for approval, or
  • the assessment entity has –
  • intentionally or recklessly assessed an applicant for registration as having the required qualifications or competencies
  • contravened a condition of the approval, or
  • contravened a provision of the .

An assessment entity may apply to VCAT within 28 days for a review of the BLA decision.