
Annual statement and fees - owners corporation managers

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Important note: You must use our online system myCAV to submit your annual statement and pay the prescribed fee. To start using myCAV, you will need to create your own myCAV account, using a personal email address to verify your identity and sign in to your account. If you already have a myCAV account, sign into your account and complete the annual statement process.

For more information about using myCAV, view About myCAV.


You must lodge an annual statement with the Business Licensing Authority (BLA) via myCAV and pay an annual registration fee within the six week period leading up to the anniversary of the date you were granted your registration. Annual fees and late lodgement fees are set out on Fees and forms – owners corporation managers.

The BLA will notify you via myCAV approximately six weeks before your registration anniversary date that your annual statement is due. It is your responsibility to inform the BLA if you do not receive this notification.

You are responsible for lodging an annual statement and paying the fee when required.

Late notice

If you do not lodge your annual statement and fee by your anniversary date, the BLA will send you a late notice via myCAV and you will be liable for an additional late fee.

If, after a further 21 days, the BLA has not received your annual statement and fees, your registration will automatically be cancelled. For more information, view Cancellation of registration – owners corporation managers.