On this page
Important: Motor car traders must keep the Business Licensing Authority (BLA) up to date with their licence details. Notify us within 14 days of all changes listed below.
You can update details at any time. Please read below for how to make changes.
Changes you can make using myCAV
Sole trader motor car trader licence holders
Log in to myCAV to update:
- your personal name
- your residential, postal or email address
- your contact phone number
- if you commence trading under a business name not on your licence
- if you cease trading under a business name authorised on your licence
- your business website.
Company motor car traders licence holders
Log in to myCAV to update:
- your company name
- when a director is appointed or ceases
- when a secretary is appointed or ceasing
- if you commence trading under a business name not on your licence
- if you cease trading under a business name authorised on your licence
- your business website
- your registered or postal address.
Note: An existing director can update their personal and contact information in their own myCAV account.
Partnership motor car traders licence holders
Log in to myCAV to or update:
- if you commence trading under a business name not on your licence
- if you cease trading under a business name authorised on your licence
- your business website
- your postal address.
Note: A partner can update their personal and contact information in their own myCAV account.
Changes you can make using the Motor car traders online form
All licence holders must use the Motor car traders online form to notify us of the following:
- your trading address or storage address (including telephone numbers)
- the type of vehicles you trade
- business type (for example, wholesale to retail)
- your franchise agreement
- if you decide to surrender your licence.
You must also notify us of changes to associates (individuals or organisation). Use the Motor car traders online form to notify us if associates:
- are added
- cease
- change their details.
Associates include:
- business partner
- business arrangement
- company shareholder
- financial interest holder
- manager or executive
- personal associates (domestic partner or spouse).
Find more information about associates.
Go to the Motor car traders online form
Changes that mean you must apply for a new licence
You must apply for a new motor car trader licence if:
- you restructure your business (for example, you switch from being a sole trader to a company)
- change company names and become a new corporate entity
- there is a change in the partnership.
If the application is successful, you will be issued with a new Licensed Motor Car Trader (LMCT) number. Go to Apply for a motor car trader’s licence.
Notifying the BLA of disqualifications
You must notify the Business Licensing Authority (BLA) in writing immediately if the licensee, any partner or director, or person involved in the management of a motor car trader business becomes disqualified. Go to Disqualifications and permissions – motor car traders.
It is an offence under the Motor Car Traders Act 1986 to provide the BLA with false or misleading information or documents.