
Sale of business - conveyancers

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If you have completed the following six units of competency to qualify for a conveyancer's licence, a condition will be placed on your licence which restricts the work you can undertake to conveyancing work for real or personal property.

FNSCONV501B - take instructions in relation to a conveyancing transaction
FNSCONV502B - prepare, analyse and execute documents
FNSCONV503B - establish, manage and administer trust accounts
FNSCONV504B - finalise conveyancing transactions
FNSCONV601B – obtain and analyse information for a conveyancing transaction
FNSICORG603B – negotiate to achieve goals and manage disputes.

If you would like to qualify to apply for the condition on your licence to be removed, so that you can also engage in conveyancing work for the sale of businesses, you will need to complete the bridging course approved by the Business Licensing Authority.

Enquires about the bridging course should be made via: