
Change from an incorporated body to a co-operative

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Incorporated bodies include:

  • corporations
  • indigenous corporations
  • incorporated associations.

If your organisation is already an incorporated body, you must meet the requirements on Apply to register a co-operative.

Formation meeting

When holding a formation meeting, use your current articles of association or rules. There must be at least five members present, or more if your rules require it.

Propose that your members deregister as an incorporated body and register as a co-operative.

Application to register

Complete and submit our Application to register a co-operative (Word, 264KB) form and include:

  • a declaration, signed by all directors and committee members of your currently incorporated body, that it can pay any debts incurred
  • a statement of your current assets and liabilities
  • a copy of your memorandum and articles of association or rules
  • evidence that you are incorporated.

Cancellation of previous incorporated status

Once your application to register a co-operative has been accepted, apply to the relevant authority you are incorporated under, to be deregistered. Note: If you are registered as an incorporated association in another state, you will need to apply to the authority in that state.

When the authority agrees to deregister you, write to us within seven days confirming this.

We will register your organisation as a co-operative on the day it is deregistered as an incorporated body, and send you a registration certificate.