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Doreen (speaking to camera): So I went out to the letter box, probably to get mail Description: [Cut to hallway] We see Doreen opening her front door to get her mail Doreen (voiceover): ...and this bloke come down the track and said Description: [Cut to front yard] We see the front of Doreens house through a sweeping camera shot Doreen (voiceover): ...did I want the moss cleaned off my roof? And he quoted $1,600. Description: [Cut back to Doreen sitting in armchair] Doreen (speaking to camera): And I said no, too dear. And he went back to $1400 and I went ahh, I suppose. So he went off and then he came back and puts his equipment in the garage Description: [Cut to Doreen walking into her kitchen to get a glass of water] Doreen (voiceover): And then he came back and they got up and cleaned the moss off the roof. Description: [Cut back to Doreen sitting in armchair] Doreen (speaking to the camera): They came back on the Tuesday morning to finish and he asked for money, Description: [Cut to shot of Doreens roof] Doreen (voiceover): which on the Monday I went and got; which was the $1400 Description: [Cut back to Doreen sitting in armchair] Doreen (speaking to the camera): ...and I didnt give it to him because I said I wouldnt until I got a receipt and he said hed give me a receipt when the job was finished. And so I eventually gave him the $1000, and then on the Tuesday he said he wanted to do the ridging. Description: [Cut to advertisement of roof repairs] Doreen (voiceover): And so he wanted more money. Description: [Cut back to Doreen sitting in armchair] Doreen (speaking to camera): I offered him a bank cheque and he wouldnt accept it. He wanted cash because he said that he wanted to pay his men. Description: [Cut to Doreens backyard] We see Doreen walk to her back door through the back yard Doreen (voiceover): Again, I offered him the bank cheque and he said no. So I went and got the money Description: [Cut back to Doreen sitting in armchair] Doreen (speaking to camera): ...and I said wheres my receipt? And he said, Ill give it to you when youve paid all up. So, I paid all up but the receipt never came. And then on the Tuesday he said he will be back in the morning to finish and do the valleys. I have never sighted him since. Description: [Cut to Doreen in kitchen pouring a glass of water. Doreen (voiceover): I gave them $7,300 in cash. They come around and prey on the elderly Description: [Cut back to Doreens backyard] We see Doreen walking through her backdoor inside the house Doreen (voiceover): ...and the pensioners, and you know Description: [Cut back to Doreen sitting in armchair] Doreen (speaking to camera): ...think its smart. And its not smart. It is very degrading. I wouldnt tell anybody about it. And Im still a bit that way although I have come better. But, you know, because I think that Im a fool. Description: [Cut to Doreen standing in backyard] Doreen (voiceover): I should have known better. But if this can prevent somebody else going through that then Im all for it. I would say be very wary, and make enquiries before you do anything about it. And dont give them any money! If they refuse bank cheques, send them packing. Description: [Cut to end screen] We see a white screen with #NoToConMen and Travelling Con Men Hotline 1300 133 408 appears below as the screen fades out. 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