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He raises his arms to introduce a title on screen that says- ‘Welcome to Stevie’s Scam School.’ Music: Solo, keyboard music playing in the background. Voice over sings: Welcome to my school. Stevie’s Scam School. Yeah, great. Description: Stevie walks to a wall with many framed certificates. A close up of one of the framed certificates show that Stevie has been awarded as a ‘Reformed Scam Artist’. Voice over: Hello. My name is Stevie, the reformed scam artist, and I’m here to teach you how to avoid being scammed. Description: Stevie walks to a blackboard. A close up of the blackboard displays the title the ‘the office supply scam’. Voice over: On with today’s lesson. May I introduce the ‘office supply scam’. This is a real sly old trick. Description: Stevie stands in front of a framed photo and a filing cabinet. A close up of the photos shows a mature woman with blond hair. Then appears an image of a sign that says ‘OFFICE SUPPLY MANAGER: JEFF” and a man on the phone next to the sign. Voice over: My wife Mandy, bless her little face – used to call up reception of a small business and get the information on who was in charge of office supplies. Description: A close of shot of the name sign highlighting the word ‘JEFF’. A box falls on the table with dodgy office supplies and an image appears of a nose with notes coming out of it. Voice over: Using this name, we would send out some dodgy old printer cartridges or some other product of similar quality and charge them through the nose for the stuff! Description: A close up shot of an invoice addressed to Jeff. Switch to a shot of Jeff with a sad face. Voice over: Of course, as the professional looking invoice was addressed to the appropriate person, we’d get the money without question! Description: Stevie walks to a blackboard. Voice over: If this happens to you, check that the goods have been ordered before paying any invoice. Description: Stevie speaking next to the framed picture of his wife, Mandy. Voice over: Remember, spread the word and keep warm! Or if it’s summer, stay cool. (bumbling along) Just, be comfortable mainly! (chuckles) Description: Text displayed – ‘Protect your business’, ‘Don’t be scammed’, ‘Find out how’ Music: Solo, keyboard music playing in the background. Description: Find out how: consumer.vic.gov.au/scamschool and Consumer ЬвЩЋЪгЦЕ Affairs and statement government logos. Music: Solo, keyboard music playing in the background. Voice over sings: Stevie’s Scam School. Yeah! Nice! *->?CDIJ•—ФЦV f „ … а б `  ѕ і n p к л ж з x y 45опFGЯањћ`aЌ­89TVWXmopqƒ„…‘’“ЩЪABxyЌ­њєюшюєюєюфнйнйнвнвнЮнЮнЮнЮнЮнЮнЮнЮнЮнЮнЮнЮнЮнЮнЮнвнвнвнвнвнвнвнвЮнЮвЮнЧ h x h>бhEЭ h x hŒhцG„ h x hCПhCП h ? aJ hCПaJ h<aJ hє3юaJGJO † б € і o л з y 5пGаћa­9ЪBy­њѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕgd x gd x ­§21h:pEЭА‚. 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