ࡱ> 8:7'` bjbj"9"9 4(@S@S>>>>>>>4Fj $h">>>222:>>222>> @ȋh<R0F##0#>S^2L( FdDDDR4">>>>>> Video transcript: Online selling scam Stevies Scam School Description: A woman wearing a garish jumper sits in front of a computer screen, which shows that $2000 has been transferred to her. Announcer: Have you received a notification of payment for your online auction? Description: The woman smiles because she thinks she has received the money, then Stevie enters the scene. Voice over: Wait a minute! This could be a scam. Title: Welcome to Stevies Scam School Music: Solo, keyboard music playing in the background. Voice over sings: Welcome to my school. Stevies Scam School. Yeah, great. Description: Stevie walks to a wall with many framed certificates. A close up of one of the framed certificates show that Stevie has been awarded as a Reformed scammer. Voice over: Hello. My name is Stevie, the reformed scam artist, and Im here to teach you how to avoid being scammed. Description: Stevie walks to a blackboard. A close up of the blackboard displays the title the online selling scam. Voice over: Lets see what scam Ive got in store for you today. This lesson, well be covering the online selling scam. If youre into selling online, stay tuned, so you know what to look out for. Heres what can happen. Description: The woman we saw at the beginning of the video is sitting at her computer. Voice over: You post an ad online selling off that, er, lovely pearl necklace your auntie gave you when you were a little tyke. Description: We see a computer screen showing a pearl necklace with the words Luxurious pearl necklace, $2000 written underneath. Voice over: Lets say youre selling it for two grand. Description: Stevie standing next to the computer. Voice over: Well, Ill jump online, send you an email, and pretend that Im gonna buy it off you. Sounds pretty good so far, right? (chuckles) Wrong! Description: We see hands typing at a keyboard, then an email from Stevie saying that he wants to buy the pearls from the seller. Voice over: In my email, Ill ask to sell it to me directly, instead of through the auction site. Description: Stevie stands in front of the computer, then produces an early-model mobile phone. Voice over: Ill even put on my best manners and give you a call to seem genuine. What a guy (chuckles)! Description: The computer screen shows an email with payment confirmation. Voice over: You settle outside of the auction and receive a payment confirmation email letting you know that the two grand has hit your account. Music: trumpet-style music, they type heard when someone wins a game show. Description: The woman sitting at the computer screen, with a big smile. Voice over: Youve over the moon. You package up that pearl beauty and send it on its merry way. Description: The woman is walking across the screen holding a box with string around it. Voice over: Little do you know that the payment confirmation is sent from a fake email address imitating a reputable company that offers money transfer services. Description: A computer screen with the payment confirmation email, then the word Fake is stamped in bold red type across the screen. Voice over: No money has hit your account! Description: The woman sits at the computer, and her smile turns to a frown. Sound effect: Like an out of tune trumpet, as when someone loses on a game show. Voice over: By this point, its too late. Description: We see Stevie wearing the pearl necklace. Voice over: Ive got your aunties pearls and youve got no cash, and no pearls. Description: A close up of Stevie wearing the pearls, before his teeth gleam. Voice over: I guess you could say this scams a real pearler (chuckles). Description: Stevie move over to a projection screen that includes tips on how to avoid this scam. Voice over: If you get an email telling you that payment has been made, dont follow the link in the email to log in to your account. Log in to your account directly, and check that the money has cleared before sending the item. And be extra cautious of anybody offering to buy from you directly, rather than through the auction site. Description: Stevie wearing a swagmans hat. Voice over: Its a little, ah, shady, shall we say. Description: We get a full shot of Stevie holding fly spray and a green fly swat. Voice over: Ah, those pesky scammers are like mozzies in summer hard to spot and they pack a sting. Sound effect: Buzzing mosquitos, then someone getting stung. Description: Stevie jumps up suddenly, having been stung on his hand. Voice over: Ouch! Music: Solo, keyboard music playing in the background. Voice over sings: Stevies Scam School. Yeah! Nice! Title: Protect yourself. Dont be scammed. Find out how. consumer.vic.gov.au/scamschoolconsumer Consumer Affairs ɫƵ and state government logos.  1267=J  ! } ~   X Y    y z / 1 ˲뫤٤ٲhoQh5 hQpBhf9 hQpBhU hQpBhLU= hQpBhw hQpBhy h'O h} hQpBh} hQpBhkh2l h'O hF hQpBh1 hQpBh5h hQpBhF h'O h# h'O h h'O hy h'O hSp1=   Y  z ( -e0w, Sgd'O gdoQgd'O  ' ( 4 ,-9der/0<=#vw +|RS_:;Gfgtμܵñííííܭ h'O hy h'O h: hQpBhu hK* hQpBh:hY1h2lh:hf9 hQpBhK* h'O hoQhJKf h'O hf9 h'O hJKf hQpBh- hQpBhy hQpBhf9 hQpBh} hQpBh h h}4;g3k[=q)f)gdoQgd'O t23jkl:;Z[\i<IQpq (7^e)0bcĽĽ˶ hqZhh5 hQpBh hQpBh hQpBhU hQpBhf9hHh"n hQpBh>hY1h9h>hf9 hQpBhy hQpBh:hyh:721h:pSp. 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