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He raises his arms to introduce a title on screen that says- ‘Welcome to Stevie’s Scam School.’ Music: Solo, keyboard music playing in the background. Voice over sings: Welcome to my school. Stevie’s Scam School. Yeah, great. Description: Stevie walks to a wall with many framed certificates. A close up of one of the framed certificates show that Stevie has been awarded as a ‘Reformed Scam Artist’. Voice over: Hello. My name is Stevie, the reformed scam artist, and I’m here to teach you how to avoid being scammed. Description: Stevie walks to a blackboard. A close up of the blackboard displays the title ‘the computer repair scam’. Voice over: On with today’s lesson. This one is titled- the ‘computer repair scam’. Just have a listen to how this one works. Description: Stevie holds his mobile to make a phone call. A man at home picks up the phone. Voice over: When I used to scam, I’d phone up a small business, and put on this real professional sounding voice (alters his voice to sound real professional) ...and when they would answer, I would say (clears his voice)... “Hi, I’m calling from your computer repair specialist group. Your computer has been hacked into.” Description: Fingers are typing on a keyboard indicating the man at home entered his private details online. Voice over: I would tell them that the problem can be easily fixed and direct them to a website to enter their details. Little did they know, I would then be able to log into their computer remotely! BANG I’m in! Description: A close up shot of the computer shows images to represent information that a scammer can access- piggy bank for private bank details; envelope to represent email passwords, a meat pie indicating saucy pictures. Voice over: From there I could access all sorts of things: Private bank details, Email passwords, Saucy pics...whatever I could find. Description: Stevie walking across the office with a meat pie in his hand. Voice over: Sometimes I’d get the business to pay over money for our ‘repair service’ in advance. I was scamming up to me eyeballs! (coughs) not proud of it, and now I want to help you. Description: Stevie walks to a blackboard and a close up shot of the blackboard shows tips to avoid being scammed. Voce over: Never give a cold caller your details online however professional they may sound. If you have, get your computer checked over by a reputable trader as soon as possible. Description: Stevie is speaking and a dog is in the background, lying on the carpet snoring. Voice over: Remember, scams are a lot like an old dog. They don’t smell quite right.. (chuckles) Description: Text displayed – ‘Protect your business’, ‘Don’t be scammed’, ‘Find out how’ Music: Solo, keyboard music playing in the background. Description: Find out how: consumer.vic.gov.au/scamschool and Consumer ЬвЩЋЪгЦЕ Affairs and statement government logos. Music: Solo, keyboard music playing in the background. Voice over sings: Stevie’s Scam School. Yeah! Nice! „†ГЕ> t u П Р n o ф х [ \ й к 6 7   y z ц ч ЎЏЛМ›œ!"lm'(šOPЌ­ žŸMN‚љѕљѕљюѕљѕљѕљѕљѕљѕљѕљѕљѕљѕљѕљѕљѕљѕљѕљѕљѕљѕљѕљѕчѕчѕчѕчр hЏq=h>б h x hЏq= hЏq=hЏq=hЏq= hЏq=h1hь58> u Р o х \ к 7  z ч ЏМœ"m(›P­ŸN‚њѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕgdЏq=gdЏq=‚§21h:pЏq=А‚. 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