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He raises his arms to introduce a title on screen that says- ‘Welcome to Stevie’s Scam School.’ Music: Solo, keyboard music playing in the background. Voice over sings: Welcome to my school. Stevie’s Scam School. Yeah, great. Description: Stevie walks to a wall with many framed certificates. A close up of one of the framed certificates show that Stevie has been awarded as a ‘Reformed Scam Artist’. Voice over: Hello. My name is Stevie, the reformed scam artist, and I’m here to teach you how to avoid being scammed. Description: Stevie walks to a blackboard. A close up of the blackboard displays the title ‘the government agency scam’. Voice over: On with today’s lesson. This lesson is named the ‘government agency scam’. Here’s how it works. Description: An image of an envelope opening and a letter slips out. The letter has a logo and text- ‘This is the government’. Stevie speaks and walks to a computer and a close of the screen shows a form that prompts details to be entered online. Voice over: The Scammer mocks up this real professional letter, looking like it comes from some government office. They’d send this to small businesses such as yours stating that you can apply for a tax refund if you enter your bank details online. Description: Fingers typing on a keyboard indicating information is provided online to the scammer. Shot of Stevie wearing funky sun glasses and images of car, gold dollar sign and expensive watch appearing next to him. Voice over: Bang! Once you’ve entered your information, I can scam you out of all sorts of stuff! Not good form, I know. But hey – I’m helping you out now! Description: Stevie walks to a blackboard and a close up shot of the blackboard shows tips to avoid being scammed. Voice over: For instance, most Australian government websites end with .gov.au Also, call your bank straight away if you’ve provided your details to these crafty tikes, and warn the government agency that this scam is using their name. Description: Stevie speaking. Voice over: Remember, keep one eye open, and the other one on the, um, actually, keep ‘em both open. Description: Text displayed – ‘Protect your business’, ‘Don’t be scammed’, ‘Find out how’ Music: Solo, keyboard music playing in the background. Description: Find out how: consumer.vic.gov.au/scamschool and Consumer ЬвЩЋЪгЦЕ Affairs and statement government logos. Music: Solo, keyboard music playing in the background. Voice over sings: Stevie’s Scam School. Yeah! Nice! Elm‘“РТJ K  ‚ Ь Э { } ё ђ j k ж з Э Ю Ч Ш ЃЄ?@ВГžŸМН!"=AVXYZjlmnz|ВГбьё*+ab•–љђюђюђюђюљюђюђюђюђюђюђюђюђюђюђюђюђюђюђюђюђюђюђюђючуђплђлљюђд hh>бh˜]hЙht2 ht2ht2h hhkХ hh<FmK ‚ Э | ђ k з Ю Ш Є@ГŸН"Г–њѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕѕgdgd–§21h:p˜]А‚. 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