ࡱ> RTQ] 8bjbj۷۷ .\&\&\0$$$$$8888D|L8M. ${ 1#$$$$$ДbK]F0M#n##$" !bnM#> : Video transcript: Shop smart Title: Shop smart online Length: 3.50 Transcript begins Description: We see a black screen with the words written in capital letters PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT. In the background we hear music that sounds like its from the 1950s. We see a middle-aged man with black hair wearing glasses and a black suit appear on a black and white screen. We can see him from the shoulders up. We hear him speak. Voice over: Good evening, tonight we present information for consumers. Description: Cut to showing the man now standing beside a whiteboard. There are words in capital letters on the whiteboard that read INTERNET SHOPPING EXPLAINED. We see the man in full wearing his suit. Voiceover: About shopping online. And since youre on the internet already, I will explain in a way that you computer people can understand. Description: We see the whiteboard switch to resemble an old TV screen. We see a cartoon character cat on the screen running, a man acting like a puppet, a young boy holding a young baby with his finger in his mouth. Description: Cut to a black screen with white writing. INTERNET SHOPPING EXPLAINED: IN MEMES. We hear music in the background. Description: We see the man with the suit and glasses speak. He appears in black and white. In the background we see an office but it is in colour. It has people sitting at their workstations, working. Voiceover: Many business websites look professional and trustworthy but online, things arent always what they seem. Description: In the background we see the people stationed at their workstations begin to dance wildly. Description: A black screen appears with white writing. The words are in capitals. BEWARE! Description: A screen resembling a TV screen appears. We can see a man with dark skin standing bare chested. He is holding a red product in his left hand. We hear him speak. Voiceover: Look down, back up, where are you, youre on a boat. Description: We see a shirt, neatly tied being thrown from above him. It lands squarely on his shoulders. Voiceover: We hear the presenter (man with suit) say When you buy something online Description: Cut back to the half naked man. He is staring directly at the camera and starts speaking. Voiceover: Two tickets to that thing you love, look again. Description: We hear the Presenters voice. Voiceover: Remember if things go sour youve still got consumer rights. Description: We cut back to the screen of the half-naked man. Now we see he is sitting on a white horse. He speaks. Voiceover: Im on a horse. Description: The screen cuts to showing a cartoon-like wombat stare at the screen. Voiceover: Presenter Keep an eye out for sites that are suspicious Description: We see the screen cut back to a whiteboard. We see the man with the suit and glasses holding a ruler and pointing to the writing on the board. We hear him speak. Voiceover: Presenter suspicious or make unrealistic promises. You dont want a nasty surprise. Description: We see a cat appear on the screen. It starts to make a funny meowing noise. The screen changes back to the whiteboard. We see an image of a rugged man holding two guns in both hands. Above the man there is writing which reads PROTECTIONS:. We see the Presenter again and hear him speak. Voiceover: There are protections for online shoppers. Businesses that supply to Australian consumers must comply with Australian Consumer Law. As he speaks, we see the screen change. Description: We see a dog appear on the screen. It is yawning and makes a yawning noise. We hear the Presenter speak. Voiceover: That means if something goes wrong Description: We see the whiteboard with the words Australian Consumer Law and the words in capitals REPAIR. Voiceover: you have the right to a repair, replacement or refund. Description: We see the words on a whiteboard appear REPAIR, REPLACEMENT, REFUND. Description: We see the TV screen again and we see the dog shown earlier. The dog appears to speak the words Youre Kidding Me. Voiceover: But you may struggle to get a resolution if you get in hot water online. Description: We see a young girl holding a very small white dog. We also see a white man jumping up and down with tribal dancers from Papua New Guinea. The scene then cuts to man dancing in a desert next to a camel followed by a group of people dancing outside of Washington DC. We see more people dancing in Rio De Janiero, Brazil, people dancing in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Voiceover: Especially if the seller is overseas and you need to take action. Description: Cuts to a black screen with writing: QUESTIONS TO ASK. We see a teenager with blonde hair appear on the TV screen. She is talking and crying as she is looking into the camera. Voiceover: Shopping over the web is less likely to end in tears. Description: We see the blonde teenager scream words Voiceover (Blonde Teenager): Leave Britney Alone! Voiceover: if you know what your rights are online. Description: We see the blonde teenager speak angrily Voiceover (Blonde Teenager): You deal with me. Voiceover: Ask yourself are you confident the product will be of acceptable quality? Description: We see a young child appear on the screen unpacking a present. We hear a female voice. Voiceover (Female): What is it? Description: We hear the young girl speak. Voiceover (Young girl): An old banana. Description: We hear the female voice speak. Voiceover (Female): An old banana? Isnt that exciting? Voiceover (Young girl): No. Voiceover (Presenter): And that youll get adequate customer service. Description: We see a female toddler appear on the TV screen. She is holding a phone in her hand and we hear her speak. Voiceover (Toddler): Yayayayaya Voiceover (Presenter): Both before. Description: We see the male toddler and the male baby from earlier appear on the screen. Theyre yelling out. Voiceover (Male toddler): Ow, Charlie! Ow! Voiceover (Presenter) And after you buy. Description: Both the male toddler and the male baby are a bit distressed. We hear the male toddler speaking. Voiceover (Male toddler): Charlie! That really hurt. Description: We see a panda on a TV screen. Voiceover (Presenter): Also, think about how difficult it will be to return the item if something unexpected happens. Or the product Description: We see and hear the panda squeal after a fake panda toy in front of it moves. The screen then changes. We see a young man (Rick Astley) singing with music playing in the background. We see the Presenter appear in front of the TV screen where the man is singing. Voiceover (Presenter): isnt as described. And if you do decide to shop online, tread carefully Description: On the TV screen, we see four men running on treadmills. Description: Cuts to black screen. We see white writing with the words ALSO CONSIDER. There is music playing in the background. The screen changes. There is a large man wearing a cream suit in front of a cream lounge singing Come shop with us. We see the Presenter standing beside the TV screen with his hands folded in front of him. He starts speaking. The screen cuts to showing a child in a car with a seat belt on. Voiceover (Presenter): Does the seller display credible contact details? If you look for contact details and Voiceover (Young boy): Cant see anything. Description: The screen changes and we see a bug eyed creature look directly at the camera. Voiceover (Presenter): be wary. Take a closer look at the refunds and returns policy. Description: The TV screen changes to now show a big, fat, hairy male cat. Voiceover (Presenter): Some businesses say Description: We hear the cat begin to speak words. Voiceover (Cat): No no no no no no no. Description: The screen changes. We see a young baby laughing loudly after a piece of paper is being shred by hand. Voiceover (Presenter): But other online retailers happily offer reasonable terms. Description: We see a cat wearing glasses in what seems to be a science lab. We see another shot of a grey cat sitting on a round vacuum cleaner (Roomba) and going around in circles. Voiceover (Presenter): A bit of research can prevent you going round in circles. Description: We see a band (The Lonely Island) singing Im on a boat. Theyre dancing. Then we see a picture of a dog and writing that reads What the hell is a handling surcharge? Voiceover (Presenter): Check the sellers shipping, delivery and insurance charges so you arent hit with any hidden costs. Description: The TV screen changes yet again. We see a double rainbow. We hear a man speak.\ Voiceover (Man): Double rainbow. Oh my god! Voicevoer (Presenter): Check reviews from other buyers to see if theyre Voiceover (Man): Ohhhh, heh heh, wow! Voiceover (Presenter): satisfied, or Description: We see a picture of a grumpy cat appear on the TV screen. We hear a buzzer followed by a cat squeal. The song Thriller by Michael Jackson comes on. Voiceover: A buzzer sounds. Cos this is Thriller. Description: We see a group of people dressed in red doing the Thriller dance. Voiceover (Presenter): Remember, some online reviews arent the real thing. Description: We see a cat watching as some human hands move three upside down silver cups. The hands move the cups around and around. Voiceover: So check a few different sites. Description: We see the cat knock one of the silver upside down cups. A womans hand picks up the cup that the cat knocked and underneath is a small object. The woman squeals with excitement. Voiceover (Woman): Ooh youre so smart! Description: Cuts back to the Presenter who is shown in Black and White with the whiteboard beside him. The whiteboard reads FINALLY Voiceover (Presenter): And finally, if you do use your credit card online Description: Cuts to showing an old wizard with grey hair and a grey moustache from Lord of the Rings. He puts his hand on the shoulder of a young man. Voiceover (Old wizard): Keep it secret, keep it safe. Description: Cuts back to the TV screen. We see the words. PAYMENT: Money order or Wire Transfer Only. We then see an X appear on top of the words. Voiceover: If the payment options seem unusual investigate further before you proceed. Description: The screen cuts to a young man wearing a bright green suit with big, white fashion glasses. He is walking. We see a man appear in a light blue suit and we see the young man tap him on the shoulder. We see the man in the light blue suit point to the camera. Voiceover (Man): Oppan Gangnam Style. Description: We see the man with other dancers start dancing. Description: We see the Presenter again with the whiteboard beside him. The white board reads BE A SMART SHOPPER ONLINE VISIT: ACCC.GOV.AU/SHOPPINGONLNE Voiceover: Theres more information about shopping safely online and your consumer rights at accc.gov.au/shoppingonline. Description: The TV screen has changed. We now see a middle-aged woman on stage take part in a singing TV contest called Britains Got Talent. She starts singing. Voiceover: Taking simple precautions for online shopping will give you a better chance of being Description: We see the middle-age woman begin to sing. Her voice is strong and clear. Her name is Susan Boyle. She unemployed and 48 years of age. Voiceover (Middle aged woman): I dreamed a dream in time go by. Description: Two of the judges on the show have surprised looks on their faces. Voiceover (Presenter): Pleasantly surprised. Description: TV screen cuts to a man with his arms outstretched holding a petrol pump. He starts singing. Voiceover (Man): Living for the gas Description: Cuts back to the TV screen. We see the man singing. The Presenter begins to speak. Voiceover (Presenter): Happy with your purchase. Voiceover (Man): Whoo! Description: We see a cat dressed wearing a blue shirt. The cat is sitting in front of a piano. It starts playing the piano. Boing boing. We see the Presenter beside the TV screen. He is staring at the camera and begins to speak. Voiceover (Presenter): And that. I really dont understand the internet. Good luck shoppers! Description: We see an end frame with the words. 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