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Description: [Cut to Jan sitting in front of her desk looking at her computer screen and scrolling through web pages] I was approached very quickly and Id never been on an online dating site before. Description: [Cut to Jan sitting with a painting behind her] Jan (speaking to camera): The man at the time was in America as an engineer. Description: [Cut to Jan sitting in front of her computer. Her hands typing on the keyboard.] He then supposedly went back to Description: [Cut to Jan sitting with a painting behind her] Jan (speaking to camera): ..England where his home base was. Description: [Cut to Jan from a side view sitting in front of her computer looking at the screen. And then he took a contract to Dubai. Description: [Cut to Jan sitting with a painting behind her] Jan (speaking to camera) Once he was in Dubai there came to be a lot of problems firstly with his contract. He had miscalculated the amount of materials he needed for his particular job Description: [Cut to seeing a driveway] We see Jan walking down the driveway from behind. Jan (voiceover) ..and he was robbed so lost that money and theres been a car accident and hes in hospital. Description: [Cut to Jan sitting with a painting behind her] Jan (speaking to camera) It was only when he finally supposedly got on a plane back to England and the contact was cut at that point that I realised that it actually had been a scam. Description: [A blank black screen quickly appears and disappears.] Description: [Cut to Jan sitting with a painting behind her] Jan (speaking to camera) I paid out over two hundred and sixty thousand dollars ($260,000). Description: [Cut to Jan in the kitchen making a cup of tea. The kitchen bench has a tea cup where Jan is putting her tea in the cup. The scene shows Jan putting the lid back on the tea container and shows some plates in the background]. Jan (voiceover) I was in a partnership with someone I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with so of course in that environment Description: [Cut to Jan sitting with a painting behind her] Jan (speaking to camera) ..I wanted to contribute to resolving those problems so he could get his work done, finish his contract and come on home and be with me. Description: [Screen quickly fades to black] Description: [Cut to Jan sitting with a painting behind her] Jan (speaking to camera) A romance scam works by firstly you go on to an online dating site, though it can happen also via Facebook or Skype, where you get approached by somebody who wants to connect Description: [Cut to Jan sitting in an armchair drinking her tea and holding a Sudoku puzzle book] Jan (voice over) ..with you. You need to be very careful about contacts you make online. Description: [Cut to Jan sitting with a painting behind her] Jan (speaking to camera) If they start professing love or interest when they really dont know you, I think that is another warning sign. Description: [Cut to Jans hand on a computer mouse right next to the computer keyboard] Jan (voice over) Use Google image search to look for the photos that you have been given. Description: [Cut to Jan sitting with a painting behind her] Jan (speaking to camera) When I actually found out I was scammed and did that Google Description: [Cut to Jan walking up her driveway. A parked silver car can be seen as she is walking towards her unit] Jan (voice over) ..search , that man was present Description: [Cut to Jan sitting with a painting behind her] Jan (speaking to camera) ..on ten different dating sites. All with different names. Description: [Cut to a financial statement ] Jan (voice over) And if there is any request for money Description: [Cut to Jan sitting with a painting behind her] Jan (speaking to camera) .. thats your real red warning light that something wrong is going on. Description: [Cut to a black screen appear and fade] Description: [Cut to Jan sitting with a painting behind her] Jan (speaking to camera) Id sent him my last pay. I didnt even have enough money for food myself at that stage. I had to borrow money to get through that first few weeks after I realised. Id sent him everything. Everything. Devastating. Description: [Cut to a black screen quickly appear and disappear] Description: [Cut to end screen] We see a white screen with the words For more information visit consumer.vic.gov.au/scams as the screen fades out. The Consumer Affairs ɫƵ logo is visible in the right hand corner. Description: [End screen] We see a black screen appear with the words Authorised by Consumer Affairs ɫƵ, 121 Exhibition St, Melbourne. Spoken by Jan Marshall. Voiceover Authorised by Consumer Affairs ɫƵ, 121 Exhibition St, Melbourne. Spoken by Jan Marshall Transcript ends 56=`gq3 :   3 ׻ע~~rfWhqhqCJOJQJaJhCJOJQJaJh3hCJOJQJaJhT<CJOJQJaJhjICJOJQJaJhqCJOJQJaJhp$CJOJQJaJh26CJOJQJaJhQh26CJOJQJaJhYCJOJQJaJh2CJOJQJaJhhh2CJOJQJaJh2h26OJQJ!56ar3  5 6   @   O Ulgdgdqgd2gd2gd23 4 5 6    = ? 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