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Ben (voiceover- speaking with back to camera): It was about two thousand and eleven (2011). Description: [Cut to Ben walking down a long pathway in the public gardens. We can only see the back of him as he is walking.] Ben (voiceover) I signed up to a dating site for the first time. Description: [Cut to a tight shot of Ben who is sitting on the far right of a park bench with his back towards the camera. His left arm is leaning against the top of the park bench. We hear him talking Ben (voiceover) I was approached by one person. Description: [Cut to Ben sitting on the park bench. We have a front view of him flicking through a number of documents in his hands however we cant see his face. We hear Ben [speaking] Ben (voiceover) She initially claimed to be in the States and when I queried it, she then said that I am back in Ghana now. Description: [Cut to Ben who is sitting with on the far right of a park bench with his back towards the camera. His left arm is leaning against the top of the park bench. We hear him talking. Ben (voiceover) I was a little bit suspicious but she got my phone number fairly quickly, probably within a few days and she rang up. And we started talking to each other on quite a regular basis. We were also emailing each other. Description: [Cut to Ben walking down a long path in the gardens] Ben (voiceover) Initially she asked for some money to travel. She said well I think it is time we met. Description: [Cut to tight shot of Ben who is sitting with on a park bench with his back towards the camera. His left arm is leaning against the top of the park bench. We hear him talking. Ben (voiceover) And she didnt quite have enough and could I send eight hundred dollars ($800). I sent her the eight hundred dollars ($800). She was just about to travel. Of course something went wrong that stopped her from getting on the plane. Her mother said that her father, her late father had died about seven years previously and left fifty kilograms of crude gold. Description: [Cut to a wide shot of Ben who is sitting on the far right of a park bench with his back towards the camera. He has his legs crossed and has documents in his hands which he is flicking through. Ben (voiceover) as a nest egg for the man that she liked. I then had to start paying Description: [Cut to a tight shot of Ben who is sitting with on the far right of a park bench with his back towards the camera. His left arm is leaning against the top of the park bench. We hear him talking. Ben (voiceover) people to process and document this gold and get it shipped out. And that was where most of the money went. I was living two lives. I was living my normal life with my day job and taking large amounts of money out and going down to the post office and sending it. Description: [Cut to Ben sitting on a park bench. We have a front view of him flicking through a number of documents in his hands, however we cant see his face. The shot is cropped at his shoulders. We hear Ben [speaking] Ben (voiceover) I had huge outgoings. It would have cost about one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000). The whole thing was a total disaster. People tend to underestimate to how clever they are Description: [Cut to a tight shot of Ben who is sitting on the far right of a park bench with his back towards the camera. His left arm is leaning against the top of the park bench. We hear him talking. Ben (voiceover) at psychology and manipulation and making you feel obligated to them. And if you dont do as they say, and dont send them money, and dont co-operate, they make you feel like a bad person. Description: [Cut to Ben sitting on a park bench. We have a side view of him. He has his legs crossed and he is flicking through a number of documents in his hands. We hear him talking. Ben (voiceover) If they start asking for money for airfares, medical expenses, for visas its a scam. I think it will take Description: [Cut to a tight shot of Ben who is sitting with on the far right of a park bench with his back towards the camera. His left arm is leaning against the top of the park bench. We hear him talking. Ben (voiceover) ...me a number of years to really review it and try and work out what happened to me. I dont feel any sense of emotional devastation. Perhaps because I havent come to terms with the reality of it. Description: [Cut to seeing a black screen quickly appear and disappear] Description: [Cut to end screen] We see a white screen with the words For more information visit consumer.vic.gov.au/scams as the screen fades out. The Consumer Affairs ɫƵ logo is visible in the right hand corner. Description: [End screen] We see a black screen appear with the words Authorised by Consumer Affairs ɫƵ, 121 Exhibition St, Melbourne. Voiceover: Authorised by Consumer Affairs ɫƵ, 121 Exhibition St, Melbourne. Transcript ends 5<`gq   w   0 3 < ^ _ p k l | >@Whi$ĽɵԱԱԱررر hFhFhFhQh5 hZhb hb5 hhhZhhbhQhc h6hQh6hTX hhhh@5ar1  b ` l X,`0XsSgdlgdl  '+ALR,CGHYptu>]_0@Ajkijps ;RSbd߽̹̲в̧̮̹̲Ч̲̲ hYU$hYU$ hYU$h Dhhp h Dh DhlhbhTX hhphQh DhM hQhQhYU$hQhFh hhph hhphF hhphb?OpWlm)Jr|VWhlhV}6 hl6 hs.6hPjC hhhhhYU$hlhhphM h Dh Dh D,mBMgdl 21h:pl. A!"#$% s2&6FVfv2(&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH ^`^ l Heading 1$<@&"5CJ KH OJPJQJ\^JaJ \@\  Heading 2$<@& 56CJOJQJ\]^JaJDA D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k (No List >B`> l Body Text OJQJHH M Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJV/V lHeading 1 Char"5CJ KH OJPJQJ\^JaJ PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭VvnB`2ǃ,!"E3p#9GQd; H xuv 0F[,F᚜K sO'3w #vfSVbsؠyX p5veuw 1z@ l,i!b I jZ2|9L$Z15xl.(zm${d:\@'23œln$^-@^i?D&|#td!6lġB"&63yy@t!HjpU*yeXry3~{s:FXI O5Y[Y!}S˪.7bd|n]671. tn/w/+[t6}PsںsL. 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