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He was from Queensland. Description: [Cut to Maria sitting on her couch, speaking to camera] He said he was a civil engineer and he worked overseas. He was due to go to Kuala Lumpur to finish a big project that he was working on. Description: [Cut to Maria in the kitchen making a cup of tea] We were on Skype just typing. Maria (speaking to camera) I never ever got to see his face. Description: [Cut to Maria typing on her computer] He went off to KL then he started saying Maria (speaking to camera) ..that there was some problems with the machinery and he needed twenty seven thousand dollars and I said haha I dont have twenty seven thousand dollars. Maria: (speaking to camera, close-up shot) I sent him a thousand. Description: [Cut to Maria typing on her computer] Then I started dipping into funds to borrow. I set up an account here Maria (speaking to camera) ..and sent him the card so he could access money out of that account. Maria: (speaking to camera, close-up shot) I didnt feel like me anymore. Family members and my friends were worried - they were asking me questions. Maria (speaking to camera) Another woman that he was scamming contacted me. That account that I opened up for him, he gave her those details. The millisecond that she told me it was like a hypnotist snapping his fingers. And I snapped out of it.. Maria (speaking to camera) I was humiliated. I didnt want to talk to people, I just wanted to hide Description: [Cut to Maria making a cup of tea] I lost fifteen grand and theres no way Maria: (speaking to camera, close-up shot) ..that I can really pay it all back and I will be paying it back for the rest of my life. Description: [Cut to Maria standing in front of her bookshelf of CDs and books. Maria opens a CD and looks inside] Everybody thinks that the best thing is to just not to go online at all. No, go online. Maria (speaking to camera) You just got to be wary. If youre talking to anybody from overseas never send them money - never send anybody money. If somebodys in a relationship and all they want is money, its not a relationship, its a business transaction. Description: [Cut to end screen] We see a white screen with the words For more information visit consumer.vic.gov.au/scamsavvy or call 1300 55 81 81. The Consumer Affairs ɫƵ logo is visible underneath the words. Description: [Cut to end screen] We see a black screen appear with the words Authorised by the ɫƵn Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne. 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