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The Council also undertakes research projects and makes recommendations to the Minister for Consumer Affairs on applications for grants from the ɫƵn Property Fund (VPF). Mission, vision and functions The Councils Strategic Plan articulates its vision as: A fair real estate market place in which the public has confidence, where the interests of vendors, buyers, tenants and property owners are balanced and all segments of the industry are well serviced. The primary work of the Council as detailed in section 6B of the Act is to: monitor the operation of the Act and the regulations assess the efficiency and effectiveness of regulation of the real estate industry under this Act and the need for further regulation or alternatives to regulation, such as deregulation or co-regulation monitor developments in the real estate industry generally; and advise the Minister for Consumer Affairs on any of the aforementioned matters, respond to issues referred to the Council by the Minister and make recommendations relating to the applications of grants under section 76 of the VPF. Objectives Ensure its perspective and practical expertise in the real estate industry is reflected in its endeavours. Promote appropriate standards of conduct and competency for people and entities engaged in the real estate industry. Assist Consumer Affairs ɫƵ (CAV) to educate consumers and industry on their rights, ɫƵ and changes to the law. Monitor emerging trends and developments in the real estate industry marketplace. Provide the Minister for Consumer Affairs with advice. Add value to the policy debate. Understand the needs of and represent the diversity of the real estate industry. Monitor the operation of the Act and the regulations. Make recommendations to the Minister relating to the applications of grants from the VPF. Consult with consumer and industry stakeholders. Regularly review objectives, progress and improvements required to achieve strategic goals. Membership For most of the financial year 2016 2017 there were between six to eight members of the Council. Section 6 of the Act sets out membership details for the Council: Three members of the real estate industry who for the previous five years have been practicing licensed estate agents, two of whom are nominees of the Real Estate Institute of ɫƵ (REIV). One member who has been a licensed estate agents for the previous five years and is the nominee of the Australian Livestock and Property Association (ALPA). One member who is an Australian Lawyer of not less than five years standing. One member who is an Accountant who is a member of CPA Australia or The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia. Two members are to be persons who are not estate agents and are not employed in the estate agency industry or in the provision of services to estate agents. The Governor in Council appoints the Chair and Deputy Chair from the membership of the Council on the recommendation of the Minister for Consumer Affairs. Council members are appointed for up to three-year terms (with the possibility of subsequent reappointment) and are remunerated. Members were as follows as of 30 June 2017: NameRoleAppointmentExpiry dateMark SkermerChair Barrister and Solicitor section 6(2)(c)25/04/2020Mark OBrienMemberPerson not engaged in the real estate industry/ Consumer Representative section 6(2)(e) 30/6/2018Patricia RoakeMemberPerson not engaged in the real estate industry/ Consumer Representative section 6(2)(e)31/3/2018Robyn WatersMemberLicensed Estate Agent - section 6(2)(a) CAV nominee30/6/2018Ian McDonaldMemberLicensed Estate Agent REIV Nominee section 6 (2)(a)30/6/2018Louise KlootMemberMember of CPA Australia section 6(2)(d)30/6/2018 Mark BrookeMemberLicensed Estate Agent - Australian Livestock and Property Association (ALPA) Nominee section 6(2)(b)12/09/2019Janet SpencerMemberLicensed Estate Agent REIV Nominee section 6(2)(a)13/12/2019 Consumer Affairs ɫƵ (CAV) The Council continued to work with and provide assistance to Consumer Affairs ɫƵ in relation to: The operation of the Council and its interaction with CAV. Amendments to section 32 of the Sale of Land Act 1962. Underquoting Review of the Estate Agents Act 2006. Guests at council meetings Senior officers of CAV regularly attended meetings of the Council during 2016 - 2017. Topics discussed at these meetings included matters of importance to the Council, including but not limited to, the review of the Act and the investigations of fraud in the industry. Data received by the council The Council receives regular reports from the CAV in regards to matters such as dispute resolution, case reports by the Estate Agents Resolution Services, grant updates, and licensing trends. Resources The Act provides that the remuneration of members and expenses incurred by the Council while fulfilling its duties be paid from the ɫƵn Property Fund. Such payments are at the direction of the Secretary of the Department of Justice. Under the Act, one of the functions of the Director of Consumer Affairs ɫƵ is to provide assistance and support to the Council. The support and assistance provided to the Council in the period under review included: the provision of a Council Secretary from the CAV Corporate Support Branch the use of meeting room facilities Secretariat Resources printing, stationery, internet, phone and facsimile facilities providing the Council with briefings on various issues, such as VPF grant application evaluations and monthly reports the provision of advice and administrative support regarding Freedom of Information requests related to the Council the printing and distribution of the Council Bulletin infrastructure for the EAC website. Council Secretary Secretarial assistance to the Council was provided by Maria Maikousis, Senior Executive Services Co-Ordinator, from the Corporate Support Branch of Consumer Affairs ɫƵ. Estate Agents Council Bulletin Copies of bulletins issued by the Council are available at the Council's website. See details below. ɫƵn Property Fund: grants made pursuant to section 76 of the Estate Agents Act 1980 The ɫƵn Property Fund (VPF) is established by section 72 of the Act and consists of among other monies interest received from Estate Agents Trust Accounts. The Act authorises the Minister for Consumer Affairs to expend excess monies from the VPF for the various purposes detailed in section 76(3) of the Act. Under section 76 of the Act, the Minister for Consumer Affairs is required to consult the Council before applying monies from the fund. During the period covered by this report the Council considered the following applications for grants from the VPF: Grant RecipientValue approved (excl. GST)Description of funded programRural Housing Network$1,173,900Affordable Housing Developments at Wodonga and SheppartonWintringham Housing$795,000Affordable Housing Development at HeathcotePort Phillip Housing Association$8,000,000Affordable Housing Development at City Gate Apartments St KildaHousing Choices Australia$4,952,100Affordable Housing Developments at Newport and DandenongHeritage ɫƵ$1,500,000Boost to Living Heritage Grants Program 2016-19Director of Housing$10,000,000Rooming Housing Upgrades 2016-19Total$26,421,000 Monitoring function The Council continued to monitor numerous issues including trust account practices, compliance and enforcement, and concerns around property management, and kept abreast of developments on the national agenda. In addition, the Council has provided feedback during the consultation around various new and remade pieces of legislation. Most important issues in 2016 2017 Underquoting was considered the most important issued to be addressed for 2016 2017 following the recent legislative changes. Strategic plan The Council reviewed its strategic plan and expects to draft a new strategic plan over the course of the next 6 months. Conclusion The Council considers that its 2017 - 2018 agenda will include the following: Review of the Estate Agents Act generally and consideration of relevant issues; Underquoting and the effect of amendment legislation; Emerging issues and trends; and Red tape reduction for the real estate industry. The Council looks forward to continuing to advise the Minister for Consumer Affairs on developing issues, responding to references and providing recommendations on VPF grant applications. The Council welcomes the opportunity to work with the Minister for Consumer Affairs, CAV and industry and consumer stakeholders to achieve our common goal of a robust and equitable ɫƵn real estate sector, which is vital in the challenging times ahead. Council contact details Telephone03 8684 6401 Fax Number03 8684 6311Email Address HYPERLINK "mailto:eac@justice.vic.gov.au"eac@justice.vic.gov.auWebsite HYPERLINK "http://www.eac.vic.gov.au" www.eac.vic.gov.auAddressLevel 17,121 Exhibition Street Melbourne ɫƵ, 3000 Postal AddressGPO Box 123 Melbourne ɫƵ, 3001      PAGE 3  !"').06:?AFKLMNOPQRSZ[; < > ȽȽȽȽȽȵȵȬ~rjbh,mH sH hfmH sH hOhsr~6mH sH hfhsr~6mH sH hsr~mH sH h:h$OJQJ^Jh:hsr~OJQJ^Jhsr~5CJ0aJ0hyQRCJHaJHh:h$CJHaJHh:hsr~CJHaJHhsr~5CJHaJH hsr~5jhUjlE hsr~UVjhsr~Uhsr~& !789HPQR[ & l X v w gd:gdwgdw^gdw & Fgdwgdwgd:$da$gd:$a$$a$> & ' l m 5 Q X Y u v & . 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