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Therefore this subdivision is exempt from the requirement to prepare or maintain an owners corporation register and hold an annual general meeting. The current annual fees for the lot *per quarter or *annually (*strike out if not applicable) are:Sample details $600 annuallyThe date which the fees for the lot have been paid up to is:Sample details The fees are paid up to 31 December 2017.The total of any unpaid fees or charges for the lot is:Sample details NILThe special fees or levies which have been struck, and the dates on which they were struck and are payable are:Sample details A levy of $3,500 to cover the cost of a new fence was struck on 5 May 2017 and is due on 5 December 2017Repairs, maintenance or other work which has been or is about to be performed, and which may incur additional charges not included in annual fees and special fees as set out above :Sample details Quotations are being obtained to paint the fence. The quotes and scope of the work will be considered at the next general meeting of the owners.Insurance detailsSample details The plan of subdivision contains two lots and is exempt under Section 7 of the Owners Corporations Act 2006 from having insurance required under Sections 59, 60, 61, 62 of the Owners Corporations Act 2006.Has the owners corporation resolved that the members may arrange their own insurance under Section 63 of the Act? If so, provide the date of that resolution:Sample details The members resolved to take out their own insurance on 15 November 2016The total funds held by the owners corporation:The total funds should report the best available statement of financial position of the owners corporation Sample 1 The statement of financial position at the end of the last financial year of the owners corporation on (insert date)was:Assets:$Liabilities:$Total funds =$Sample 2 The total funds held by the owners corporation as set out in the financial statements prepared for the owners corporation prepared on (insert date)are as follows:Assets:$Liabilities including any items in special fees (item 5) and liabilities (item 10):$Total funds =$Are there any liabilities of the owners corporation that are not covered by annual fees, special levies and repairs and maintenance as set out above? If so, provide details:Sample details NILAre there any current contracts, leases, licences or agreements affecting the common property? If so, provide details:Sample detailsUncle Peters Mowing Service Pty Ltd datedfor 1 year for lawn mowing servicesAre there any current agreements to provide services to lot owners, occupiers or the public? If so, provide details:Sample details The lot owners on 16 March 2017 entered into an agreement to provide Foxtel to lots, at the cost of each member.Are there any notices or orders served on the owners corporation in the last 12 months that have not been satisfied? If so, provide details:Sample detailsThere are no notices or orders as at (insert date)Are there any legal proceedings to which the owners corporation is a party, and any circumstances of which the owners corporation is aware that are likely to give rise to proceedings? If so, provide details:Sample detailsThe lot owners are not aware of any legal proceedings as at (insert date)Has the owners corporation appointed or resolved to appoint a manager? If so, provide details:Sample details No manager is appointed.Has an administrator been appointed for the owners corporation, or has there been a proposal for the appointment of an administrator?Sample details No administrator is appointed.A copy of the minutes of the most recent annual general meeting of the owners corporation. (N.B. This owners corporation is exempt from this requirement under Section 7 of the Owners Corporations Act 2006)Documents required to be attached to the owners corporation certificate are:A copy of any rules registered at Land ɫƵ. There are no rules registered at Land ɫƵ A copy of all resolutions made at the last annual general meeting. (N.B. This owners corporation is exempt from this requirement under Section 7 of the Owners Corporations Act 2006) A copy of Schedule 3 of the Owners Corporations Regulations 2018 entitled Statement of advice and information for prospective purchasers and lot ownersThis owners corporation certificate was prepared by: Postal address(Signature)(Print name)(Name of management company if relevant) as delegate of the owners corporationThe common seal of owners corporation number was affixed in accordance with Section 20 of the Owners Corporations Act 2006 and in the presence of: Signature of lot ownerName of lot owner (block letters)Lot numberDate Signature of lot ownerName of lot owner (block letters)Lot numberDate     Page  PAGE 2 of  NUMPAGES 5 -.IJWy     " # $ % I J K r s t     % S T ȼȳȳhfUq hfUq6h}h RB6hz3 h RBh RBh RB h RBh}h}h+6hIj hA,h RBhA,h RB6h hhF.{kkd$$Ifedq7~El40J H(  t644 laf4itq7~Epyt} $Ifgdedq7~Egd RBedq7~Egd $Ifgdkkd$$Ifedq7~El40J H(  t644 laf4itq7~Epyt}  d[[ $Ifgdkd$$Ifedq7~El4\J FH(  t  t644 laf4itq7~Ep(yt}  # $ $Ifgdkkd$$Ifedq7~El40J H(  t644 laf4itq7~Epyt}$ % I J $Ifgdkkd|$$Ifedq7~El40J H(  t644 laf4itq7~Epyt}J K r s $Ifgdkkd$$Ifedq7~El40J H(  t644 laf4itq7~Epyt}s t  $Ifgdedq7~EgdA,kkd$$Ifedq7~El40J H(  t644 laf4itq7~Epyt} $Ifgd RBkkd $$Ifedq7~El40H(hL t644 laf4itq7~Epyt}  7 N F wooooowbY $IfgdZt & F$Ifgd? 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