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Voting will be recorded by either: Every lot owner or member recording his or her vote by striking out every name on the ballot paper except the name of the candidate for whom he or she wishes to vote; or Every lot owner or member recording his or her vote by placing a number beside each candidate in order of preference. Each lot owner shall be required to sign his or her ballot paper. The lot owner or member shall then go to the secretary to have his or her name recorded as having voted and, when directed, place the ballot paper into the ballot box. Immediately after the close of the poll the secretary shall unlock the ballot box and ascertain the number of votes for each candidate and shall declare the candidates who polled the most votes to be elected. More information is available in the  HYPERLINK "http://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/ownerscorp" Owners corporations section of the Consumer Affairs ɫƵ website (consumer.vic.gov.au/ownerscorp).     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