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The interim special resolution will become the decision of the owners corporation if no petition (from lot owners representing more than 25% of the total votes) is received by the secretary against the resolution within 29 days of the interim special resolution being passed.What you must do If you disagree with the result of the interim decision, you must petition the secretary against the resolution within 29 daysof the meeting or by (insert date)You can contact your secretary: AddressPostal address (if different from above)Telephone numberEmail address (if applicable)Signed chairperson/secretary/manager     Page  PAGE 1 of  NUMPAGES 1 $%,-45>?FGRSW]^c3 4 A L U W 5 7 K L \ |         ´­Э hZ.h\jh\U hW5@hH hs6hH h#chH huP1hH hHhHhHhHhF; hhZ. h+hZ. hHhb#`h\ hHhHhZ.=?^_`_kd$$Ifedq7~El0\ & p t08'644 laitq7~EpytZ. ?$IfgdZ.edq7~Egd3 > pgg ?$IfgdZ.kd$$Ifedq7~El0\ & p t08'644 laitq7~EpytZ.B C V ph___ ?$IfgdHedq7~Egd3kd$$Ifedq7~El0\ & p t08'644 laitq7~EpytZ.V W v&Pkd$$Ifedq7~ElH(( t644 laitq7~Ep ytH ?$IfgdHkd[$$Ifedq7~ElF>H(TV t6    44 laitq7~EpytH 6 7 Z [ ?$IfgdHPkdy$$Ifedq7~ElH(( t(644 laitq7~Ep ytH ?$IfgdHedq7~Egd3[ \ | } ?$IfgdH $IfgdH?edq7~EgdHhkd$$Ifedq7~El0@  V t(6A44 laitq7~EpytH pg^ ?$IfgdH $IfgdHkdw$$Ifedq7~El0\ H(  t0(644 laitq7~EpytH pg^ ?$IfgdH $IfgdHkd2$$Ifedq7~El0\ H(  t0(644 laitq7~EpytH pg^ ?$IfgdH $IfgdHkd$$Ifedq7~El0\ H(  t0(644 laitq7~EpytH pg^ ?$IfgdH $IfgdHkd$$Ifedq7~El0\ H(  t0(644 laitq7~EpytH         phffffffff?edq7~EgdZ.kdc$$Ifedq7~El0\ H(  t0(644 laitq7~EpytH   % & ' ( , - 8 9 : ; < = > ? hHhHhS h\ hZ.h\hF;\mHnHuhZ.h\\ jhZ.h\CJU\aJ < = > ? ?edq7~EgdZ.   %gdZ.61h/R :p ". 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