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I/we who are members of owners corporation plan No 12345 hereby vote: MotionAAlternatives for replacing the fenceForAgainstWooden fence at a cost of $XColourbond fence at a cost of $XBrick fence at a cost of $XMotionBRaise the funds to replace the fenceForAgainstThat the owners corporation borrows the amount of up to $X to replace the fence immediatelyThat the owners corporation levies special fees of up to $ X to replace the fence immediatelyThat the owners corporation establishes a maintenance plan and fund to budget for the replacement of the fence in 2 yearsMotionCThat the owners corporation enters into a contract with a builder to replace the fence.ForAgainstThat the ABC Builders are engaged to carry out the worksThat the XYZ Builders are engaged to carry out the worksThat the owners corporation attaches the common seal to the contract for works Signature of lot ownerPrint name (block letters)Owner or proxy for lot numberDatedNote: If voting as a proxy or power of attorney please attach a copy of the proxy or power of attorney. More information is available in the  HYPERLINK "http://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/ownerscorp" Owners corporations section of the Consumer Affairs ɫƵ website (consumer.vic.gov.au/ownerscorp).     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