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If you are not satisfied with the decision you can: contact Consumer Affairs ɫƵ on 1300 55 81 or visit the HYPERLINK "http://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/"Consumer Affairs ɫƵ website (consumer.vic.gov.au/contact) for information and advice, or apply directly to the ɫƵn Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) to hear your case. For more information on VCAT applications call 1300 01 8228 (1300 01 VCAT) or visit the  HYPERLINK "http://www.vcat.vic.gov.au/" ɫƵn Civil and Administrative Tribunal website (vcat.vic.gov.au). Calling this number costs the same as a local call. Additional charges may apply if you call from overseas, on a mobile or payphone. If you are a tenant/occupier, the owners corporation has also given a copy of this notice the lot owner in accordance with Section 155 or Section 159D of the Owners Corporations Act 2006. Details of all breaches, complaints and decisions are required to be reported to lot owners at the annual general meeting. Records of breaches, complaints and decisions must be kept by the owners corporation for 7 years. This notice must be served in person or by post (not electronically) in accordance with section 158 of the Owners Corporations Act 2006.     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