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Details of person(s) making this complaint Name(s )Lot numberLot addressSuburbStatePostcodePostal address (if different from above)Are you a (mark appropriate box with an X): Lot ownerOccupier (tenant)ManagerDetails of person(s) you are making the complaint against Person(s) name(s)Address (include lot number)Are they a (mark appropriate box with an X): Lot ownerOccupier (tenant)ManagerDetails of complaint/alleged breach of the rules, Act or Regulations Describe what the complaint/breach is about including dates and times (if known) What has been done to try to resolve this complaint? Please describe what you have done, who you have talked to and what they offered to do What remedy are you seeking how do you want the problem to be solved? Declaration and signature of complainant I declare that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I agree that the information I have given in this form may be used or disclosed by the owners corporation to process and resolve this complaint. SignatureDate How to lodge this complaint (Owners corporation to insert details) By post (name and postal address)In person by Contact telephone number for complaints (owners corporation to insert telephone number)What happens next? The owners corporation will consider the information provided and respond to you either by telephone or in writing advising you of its decision and the next steps in dealing with your complaint. If the owners corporation does not respond or you are unsatisfied with the outcome: for information and advice, contact Consumer Affairs ɫƵ on 1300 55 81 81 or visit the  HYPERLINK "http://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/contact-us" Consumer Affairs ɫƵ website (consumer.vic.gov.au/contact) for help resolving a dispute, contact the Dispute Settlement Centre of ɫƵ on 1300 372 888 or visit the  HYPERLINK "http://www.disputes.vic.gov.au/" Dispute Settlement Centre of ɫƵ website (disputes.vic.gov.au), or apply directly to the ɫƵn Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) to hear your case. For more information on VCAT applications call 1300 01 8228 (1300 01 VCAT) or go to the  HYPERLINK "http://www.vcat.vic.gov.au" ɫƵn Civil and Administrative Tribunal website (vcat.vic.gov.au). Calling this number costs the same as a local call. Additional charges may apply if you call from overseas, on a mobile or payphone. Other important information In accordance with Section 158 of the Owners Corporations Act 2006, notices can only be delivered by post or in person. Your personal information is required by law to be disclosed to resolve the complaint. Details of all complaints and decisions are required to be reported to lot owners at the annual general meeting. Records of complaints must be kept by the owners corporation for 7 years.     OC 6 (4/18) Page  PAGE 3 of  NUMPAGES 3 %&*.3;WXa  2 3 6 7 = > I J # . 2 h hh} h3hFM hW5@hFM h3hqhq hW5@hq huP1hFM huP1hq hhFM hFMhQ' h4Sh4S h4S6hFMh4S6h4ShQ'hk/ hFMhwhFM hwhw5 Dkd$$Ifedq7~El40 H(` T t0644 laf4itq7~Epyt ?$Ifgd+edq7~EgdFMGedq7~Egdw?edq7~Egdwedq7~EgdFM dkd$$Ifedq7~El40 H(` T t0644 laf4itq7~Epyt ?$Ifgd+ mdd ?$Ifgd+kdb$$Ifedq7~El40 H(` T t0644 laf4itq7~Epyt mdd ?$Ifgd+kd$$Ifedq7~El40 H(` T t0644 laf4itq7~Epyt mdd ?$Ifgd+kd$$Ifedq7~El40 H(` T t0644 laf4itq7~Epyt ! 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