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Inspect owners corporation records at any reasonable (and agreed) time. Your obligations include: Pay all owners corporation fees and charges. Maintain and repair your apartment, balcony, courtyard, car park and, if relevant, your storage unit. Comply with the Owners Corporations Act 2006, Owners Corporations Regulations 2018, the Rules and other laws. Obligations of the owners corporation include: Manage and administer the common property. Repair and maintain the common property. Take out required insurances. Comply with and take any action necessary to ensure compliance with the Owners Corporations Act 2006, Owners Corporations Regulations 2018, the Rules and other laws. Owners corporation rules: For your information, we attach the rules for your owners corporation. We also remind you to please: ɫƵ immediately to the owners corporation or owners corporation manager any damage to the building. ɫƵ any risks to safety and security to residents and the building to your owners corporation or owners corporation manager. Ensure the entrance gates are kept closed at all times. Advise your owners corporation or owners corporation manager if you are going to be away from your apartment for a long period of time. Law requires that you notify the owners corporation if you are going to be away for more than 3 months. Keep clean the entrances and walk ways. Owners and tenants must clean up any mess or rubbish they have caused or caused by their visitors. Do not leave it to others. Notify the owners corporation or owners corporation manager of 14 days prior to the making an application for a building permit or planning permit. Also notify the owners corporation or owners corporation manager of 14 days prior to the commencement of renovations as some renovations cause disruption or have the potential to affect the security of other residents. Suggested rules that can be adopted through an AGM or EGM: Do not make of unreasonable noise between the hours of midnight and 8:00 am. Please consider your neighbours.     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