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How much can a person claim The amount a person can claim is the amount of actual pecuniary loss suffered, including costs incidental to the making of the claim (legal costs), this is the amount you would have received if the defalcation had not occurred. Note: You cannot make a claim simply because you believe the agent or conveyancer acted unprofessionally, gave bad advice, or misrepresented the property. How to lodge this claim Email: HYPERLINK "mailto:vpfclaims@dgs.vic.gov.au"vpfclaims@dgs.vic.gov.au If lodging via email, please ensure all attached supporting documents are in the correct file format (PDF, JPEG, Word document) Post: Consumer Affairs ɫƵ, GPO Box 123, Melbourne VIC 3001 For further information on the application process, please call Consumer Affairs ɫƵn on 1300 55 81 81 (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday except public holidays). Privacy Consumer Affairs ɫƵ collects and handles your personal information consistent with the requirements of the Privacy & Data Protection Act 2014. Where you do not provide the information required by this form, we may refuse or be unable to process this transaction. We may need to disclose your personal information to other State and Commonwealth Agencies. Find more information about our  HYPERLINK "/privacy-statement" Privacy statement. Claim for compensation from the ɫƵn Property Fund- Vendors Only use this form if you are claiming funds in relation to the sale of real estate. For other relevant claim forms view  HYPERLINK "/housing/buying-and-selling-property/compensation-claims" Compensation claims - property Details of claimant(s) Claimants full name (Claimant 1)Preferred contact numberEmail addressClaimants address (For correspondence)Claimants full name (Claimant 2)Preferred contact numberEmail addressClaimants address (For correspondence)  Details of estate agent (licensee) Licensees full name or company name and Australian Company Number (ACN) (Licensee 1)  Licensees contact detailsTelephone no.: Email address: Licensees business address Licensees licensing identifier (Can be found via  HYPERLINK "https://registers.consumer.vic.gov.au/easearch" Search of the estate agents public register) Licensees full name or company name and Australian Company Number (ACN) (Licensee 2)Licensees contact detailsTelephone no.: Email address:Licensees business address Licensees licensing identifier (Can be found via  HYPERLINK "https://registers.consumer.vic.gov.au/easearch" Search of the estate agents public register)  Details of your claim Please mark the box (x) corresponding to your claim- Money misappropriated or not disbursed by licensee Other matter If you selected Money not disbursed by licensee, please proceed to question b. If you selected Other matter, prior to submitting this application, please contact us to discuss your claim further. Please include a brief overview of the circumstances leading to your claim and send to: Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:vpfclaims@justice.vic.gov.au" vpfclaims@dgs.vic.gov.au; Post: Consumer Affairs ɫƵ, GPO Box 123, Melbourne VIC 3001 Please provide the following transaction details (where relevant)- Address of property sold How did you engage the services of the licensee? (For example- used them previously, recommended by friends/family or saw business advertised)What date was the Exclusive Sales Authority signed? (dd/mm/yyyy)What date was the contract of sale signed? (dd/mm/yyyy)What was the date of settlement? (dd/mm/yyyy)If you employed a licensed conveyancer or legal practitioner to assist with the sale, please provide their details-Name of licensed conveyancer or legal practitioner - Contact no.- Email address- Business address- Was a section 27 statement under the Sale of Land Act 1962 issued? If yes, what date was this executed? (dd/mm/yyyy)Please confirm the financial details of your claim upon the ɫƵn Property Fund- What was the total deposit paid by the purchaser to the licensee? $When was the deposit paid to the licensee? (dd/mm/yyyy)How was the deposit paid to the licensee? (Cheque, bank transfer, cash)What was the total commission payable to the licensee as part of the sale? (Please include a dollar amount and percentage if applicable) Has the commission been paid to the licensee? (If yes, please provide date of payment and method)Are there any other fees still payable to the licensee? (For example advertising/marketing. Please include dollar amount owed)  What is the total amount you are claiming? Please note- you can only claim pecuniary loss from the ɫƵn Property Fund. This means the actual amount of money lost, caused by the licensees defalcation, misappropriation or failure to account. You must account for any amounts repaid to you by the licensee and any fees or charges payable such as commission or advertising fees. What is the amount of actual pecuniary loss you have suffered? $Please provide a brief breakdown of how you have calculated your pecuniary loss- (For example- Deposit paid by purchaser = $50,000.00. Commission payable to licensee= $7,000.00 Deposit ($50,000.00) Commission ($7,000.00) = Pecuniary loss of $43,000.00  Steps taken to recover loss Please provide a brief timeline of your attempts to contact the licensee or other related party about this matter (For example- dates, method of communication- email, text message, phone call- and overview of discussion)  Further supporting documentation Please mark (x) against the supporting documents you intend to provide in further support of your claim- Exclusive Sales Authority Contract of SaleProof of the deposit being paid to the licensee (Receipts, bank statements or cheque stubs from purchaser) Proof of settlement (Statement of adjustments, confirmation from conveyancer) If settlement has not occurred, proof of entitlement to deposit monies (Written consent from purchaser to release of deposit, order from the ɫƵn Civil and Administrative Tribunal) Proof you have not received payment of the deposit monies (Bank statements from date of signing contract of sale to current date)Copies of all relevant correspondence between yourself, the licensee and any other related party Other (Please provide details of documents and how these relate to claim) Certification and signature(s) of claimant(s) I certify that: the particulars (information) contained in this claim are true and correct and I understand that it is an offence to make and or use a false document I understand that if I lodge this form by email, Consumer Affairs ɫƵ will accept this communication as containing my signature for the purposes of the Electronic Transactions (ɫƵ) Act 2000. I acknowledge that the information contained in this claim will be provided to the person/s against whom the claim is made and may be provided to other agencies or bodies for the purpose of assisting Consumer Affairs ɫƵ to obtain any other information necessary in dealing with this claim. Claimants full nameSignature of claimant 1 (Type if lodging electronically)Date (dd/mm/yyyy)Claimants full nameSignature of claimant 2 (Type if lodging electronically)Date (dd/mm/yyyy)     Page  PAGE 2 of  NUMPAGES 4 Page  PAGE 2 of  NUMPAGES 2 7@Ab_ j k l x y  A A P h o p תlQ5jh/[|0J>*B*CJUaJmH phsH &h/[|0J>*B*CJaJmH phsH /jh/[|0J>*B*CJUaJmH phsH "hqh!Y5CJ\aJmH sH hqh!Y^JaJhfR5CJ^JaJhJrih!YCJ^JaJhJriCJ^JaJhqh!YCJ^JaJhqh!Y5CJ^JaJ h/[|h= h/[|h?KAl  P h 7 x y  ^edq7~Egd!Y 8^8edq7~Egd!Y  & Fedq7~Egd!Y  & Fedq7~Egd!Y " & Fedq7~Egd!Y" ud8dd-DM [$\$]edq7~Egd?!dhdd-DM [$\$edq7~Egd!Y $a$edq7~Egd?K 7 < x y $%&ĵvnvdXXdQdQQJ>Jjh!Y5UaJ h!Y5aJ h/[|5aJhVVh!Y56aJhqh!Y5aJh!Y^JaJhqh!Y^JaJh|Z^JaJ hqh!Yhqh!YCJaJh!YCJaJ"hqh!Y5CJ\aJmH sH hqh!YCJaJmH sH $h/[|h!Y0J>*B*CJaJph/jh/[|0J>*B*CJUaJmH phsH  h/[|hY0JCJaJmH sH %&HIJaw $Ifgdv $$Ifa$gdv " & F edq7~Egd?K" & F^edq7~Egd?K$-DM a$edq7~Egd?K $a$edq7~Egdedq7~EgdS " & Fedq7~Egd!Y" & Fl]ledq7~Egd!Y >'();<GHIJ`aw½ztkb[P[h'h?KB*phvqq h'h?Kh |h?K^JhVmh?K^J h?K^J h*0Jh*h*0Jjh*Uh*jh*UhVVh?K hqh?K hgmh?K h/[|h?K h?K>* hSh!Yhqh!YaJ h!Y5aJh*h!Y0J5aJjh!Y5UaJjh!Y5UaJ+,-@HVWXYZ[rs}~ž|uu h'hChh'hd>B*phvqq h'hd> h'h6 h'h h'h'h'h'^Jh'hF^Jh'h^J h'hFh'h?K>*h'h?KB*ph;88h'h?KB*phvqq h'h?Kh'h?KB*phh'h?K5^J,g[R $Ifgdv +$$Ifa$gdvkd$$Ifedq7~El0OK&O  t 0644 9a9itq7~Epyt?Kg[R $Ifgdv $$Ifa$gdvkd$$Ifedq7~El0OK&O  t 0644 9a9itq7~Epyt?Kg[[R $Ifgdv $$Ifa$gdvkd$$Ifedq7~El0OK&O  t 0644 9a9itq7~Epyt?Kg[[R $Ifgdv $$Ifa$gdvkd_$$Ifedq7~El0OK&O  t 0644 9a9itq7~Epyt?Kg[R $Ifgdv +$$Ifa$gdvkd/$$Ifedq7~El0OK&O  t 0644 9a9itq7~Epyt?K+,g[R $Ifgdv $$Ifa$gdvkd$$Ifedq7~El0OK&O  t 0644 9a9itq7~Epyt?K,-@VWXg[[[R $Ifgdv $$Ifa$gdvkd$$Ifedq7~El0OK&O  t 0644 9a9itq7~Epyt?KXY[~g\QEE< $IfgdCh $$Ifa$gdd> " & F edq7~Egd,A\ $a$edq7~Egd?Kkd$$Ifedq7~El0OK&O  t 0644 9a9itq7~Epyt?K 456Wij᫤r[r,j h{7h'B*CJUaJphvqq&jh{7h'B*CJUaJphvqqh{7h'B*CJaJphvqq h'hNSh'h`5 h'h] h'hg h'h? 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