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If you wish to discuss any issues arising from the referral, please do not hesitate to telephone me on our intake number quoting the client number provided in the attached file notes. Please find the following supporting client documents attached: [List any attached documents and delete those not required] Kind regards [Your name] [Your agency] [Email and telephone for worker] Client assessment [response to questions below] Client case summary [see example below] Client case file notes Client bank statements Other associated client documents [Financial counsellor to list] Assessment questions Financially disadvantaged and vulnerable The client has been assessed by me as being: [Tick one of these categories] ( Financially disadvantaged, because name the reason as determined from eligibility criteria or ( Financially disadvantaged and vulnerable name the reason for vulnerability from eligibility criteria Face to face services The client is referred to face to face financial counselling because: [Tick one of these categories] ( the client requires extended casework services ( the client appears to require advocacy with third parties ( telephone financial counselling is inappropriate for this client due to: ( low English proficiency ( intellectual disability or cognitive impairment ( low literacy ( no access to telephone, or ( the clients matter is complex, such that it is unable to be resolved by telephone services and requires face to face casework. Urgency rating I have assessed this matter as: [Tick one of these categories below] ( non urgent, or ( urgent, because: ( the client has overcome significant practical difficulties to seek assistance at this time and is unlikely to be able to do so again due to [name the circumstances] or: ( the clients situation is likely to deteriorate significantly if there is no immediate service response due to [name the nature of the problem] Priority rating I have assessed this matter as: [insert an X against one of the categories] Insert X Priority assessmentPriority levelResponse timeHigh vulnerability with high impact consequences and/or urgent12 working daysHigh vulnerability with low impact consequences or Low vulnerability with high impact consequences 21 weekLow vulnerability with low impact consequences 34 weeksClients consent ( The client has consented to providing these personal details to your financial counselling service. Sample case summary Financial Counselling Program Case Summarytest testClient_no154933Staff member:First Contact Date:31/5/2013Name:Mr test testStreet:Suburb/ TownBendigo 3550Email:Tel#_mobile0000 000 000Tel AH:Tel#_BHReferral_From:Self/ friend/ relativeClient Income:Less than $20kIncomeSourceFC-Government PaymentsDate/ year of birth:1956Consumer Family type:Family with dependent childrenDomestic Violence Indicator:Not applicableMain Language:English Proficiency:Housing related problem:YesHousing type:Rental PrivateIndigenous Status: StaffDateSession TypePresenting Problem & ActionService Category31/5/2013FC Triage assessmentClient is having trouble with finances. Cannot pay utility bills and is struggling with house & car loan payments. Was unemployed recently and is now on government benefits. Is behind one month in house loan. Clients English is not good and he cannot understand letters that bank is sending him. Client migrated from Africa in 2010 and has only attended school up to primary school. Bank has rung him and wants to discuss but client gets stressed speaking to bank. Client recently diagnosed with depression.     '(.OP]X Y k     & / Q \ ] ^ c n v  [ ] ɾ{sh',hO5hrhO5h!hO5 hO5 h!hOh. hq5hq h<.hO hV]ghOhF<#hO5hOhqhqmH sH hqmH sH hZ :mH sH hqhZ :5mH sH hS')mH sH h$)hS')mH sH hOmH sH *P Y f ] ] ! 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