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How careful or careless do you feel our staff are about the privacy and confidentiality of your information? Please selection one option. 5 Very careful4 Careful3 Neither careful or careless2 Careless1 Very carelessWhy do you feel our staff are careful or careless, if at all, about the privacy and confidentially of your information? Please describe. How respectful or disrespectful were our staff to you? 5 Very respectful4 Respectful3 Neither respectful or disrespectful2 Disrespectful1 Very disrespectfulWhy do you feel our staff were respectful or disrespectful, if at all, to you? Please describe. Do you have any other feedback about the financial counselling? Please describe. Thank you for completing this questionnaire. The information you have provided will be treated confidentially and used only to improve our programs in the future.     %DEJKQRijk   > ? 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