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A person is financially disadvantaged and vulnerable if, in addition to experiencing financial disadvantage, their capacity to assist themselves is limited, for example, because of: Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Family violence Homelessness Intellectual or physical disability Lack of access to information (including the client being in a remote location or lack of access to the internet) Lack of formal education (including illiteracy) Life event (includes accident, illness, divorce, unemployment, death of a close family member) Limited English proficiency ( including the client being from a non-English speaking background) Mental health issues Substance abuse Yes No No No Yes Yes Book or refer to face-to-face casework with Community Based Service Yes No Is sessional casework appropriate? Sessional casework is appropriate for matters where: There is a predictable process to be followed, or Resolution is likely within a limited number of sessions Book or refer to face-to-face sessional casework with Community Based Service Is telephone financial counselling appropriate? Telephone financial counselling is appropriate unless: The client has communication needs that make communication over the telephone difficult, e.g. Low English proficiency Intellectual disability or cognitive impairment Low literacy No access to telephone, or The clients matter is complex, such that it is unable to be resolved by telephone services. Book or refer for casework service in accordance with: Urgency checklist What priority should the matter be given Inter-agency casework referral. For more information, visit the Consumer Affairs ɫƵ website (consumer.vic.gov.au/fcp). 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