ࡱ> egbcd'` ,bbjbj jn7$"BrBrBrPr$t(~Xv^((((V~,$h>Y((((8((q(v yoyBri8N0~ 4(4p4 €"€€€X€€€~(($($(Q$!(((Q4 [Note: Before printing, delete all paragraphs formatted as shaded italic text. These paragraphs all begin with the word Note and are guidance to help village operators customise this form.] Disclosure statement for rental residents This form gives prospective retirement village residents details about: costs that will apply before you move in, while you are living in the retirement village and after you leave the notice and charge required to be placed on the title to the retirement village land under the Retirement Villages Act 1986 (the Act) securities that take priority over your rights under the Act. The retirement village owner or the owners agent/representative must give you this form, under the Act. It is important that you understand this information and its implications for you as a resident. It is not a substitute for reading the full terms of your contract and you should seek independent legal advice if you are unsure about any of its details. Name of retirement village: FORMTEXT      Address of retirement village: FORMTEXT      Address/number of unit: FORMTEXT      I (name): FORMTEXT      of (address): FORMTEXT      being the owner of the retirement village or the agent/representative of the owner of the retirement village [Note: Delete whichever does not apply] certify the following.Signature of the owner or owner s agent/representative: FORMTEXT      All amounts in this disclosure statement are GST-inclusive, unless stated otherwise where that is permitted by law. [Note: For information on GST in relation to: property, visit the Australian Tax Office website: ato.gov.au/Business/GST/In-detail/Your-industry/Property displaying prices, visit the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission website: accc.gov.au/business/pricing/displaying-prices. Seek independent legal advice if you are unsure about your GST obligations.] 1. Notices1.1The retirement village notice required by Part 2 of the Act was given to the Registrar of Titles on: FORMTEXT [Insert: day, month, year]1.2The particulars of any mortgage, charge or other encumbrance, which takes priority over the rights of residents under that Act are: FORMTEXT      1.3The particulars of any agreement entered into relating to the priority of residence rights over earlier encumbrances over the land are: FORMTEXT      1.4The notification of the charge created by Part 5 of the Act was given to the Registrar of Titles on: FORMTEXT [Insert: day, month, year]2. Entry costs2.1To become a resident, you must pay these amounts:[Note: Mark which applies with an X]  FORMCHECKBOX  an in-going contribution of $ FORMTEXT        FORMCHECKBOX  stamp duty of $ FORMTEXT        FORMCHECKBOX  costs of preparing your residence contract of $ FORMTEXT        FORMCHECKBOX  costs of preparing your management contract of $ FORMTEXT        FORMCHECKBOX  costs of preparing any other contract  FORMTEXT [specify] of $ FORMTEXT        FORMCHECKBOX   FORMTEXT [number]  FORMTEXT [specify weeks', months' etc] advance payment of rent of $ FORMTEXT        FORMCHECKBOX  costs to use a garage or carport of $ FORMTEXT        FORMCHECKBOX  other costs  FORMTEXT [specify] of $ FORMTEXT      2.2The total amount payable on entry is: $ FORMTEXT      3. Ongoing costsTo live in the village, you must pay the following charges or costs.3.1The current maintenance charges and their frequency are:[Note: Mark all which applies with an X]  FORMCHECKBOX  Rent of $ FORMTEXT       per  FORMTEXT [specify period]  FORMCHECKBOX  Separate long term maintenance fund charge of $ FORMTEXT       per  FORMTEXT [specify period] 3.2These costs are not included in the rent:[Note: Mark which applies with an X]  FORMCHECKBOX  House insurance  FORMCHECKBOX  Contents insurance  FORMCHECKBOX  Council rates  FORMCHECKBOX  Water rates  FORMCHECKBOX  Utilities  FORMCHECKBOX  Optional services  FORMTEXT [Insert details of services and fees or list in an attachment].4. Departure costsOn permanent departure, the following costs apply:4.1Departure fee Will you be required to pay any departure fee? FORMCHECKBOX  Yes  FORMCHECKBOX  No [Note: Delete if this does not apply] If yes, you will be required to pay a departure fee calculated on this basis:[Note: Delete all that do not apply]  FORMTEXT [number]% per year of residence for a maximum number of  FORMTEXT [number] years of residence of: your in-going contribution the in-going contribution paid by the next resident other basis  FORMTEXT [specify]4.2Reinstatement/renovation costs:[Note: Delete all that do not apply] You will not be required to pay for the: reinstatement of your unit (to restore it to its condition at the beginning of your residence) renovation of your unit (to bring it up to date) You will be required to pay for the: reinstatement of your unit (to restore it to its condition at the beginning of your residence) renovation of your unit (to bring it up to date)4.3Long term maintenance fund Will you be required to make a separate contribution to the long term maintenance fund? FORMCHECKBOX  Yes  FORMCHECKBOX  No [Note: Delete if this does not apply] If yes, you will be required to make a separate contribution to the long term maintenance fund on this basis:[Note: Delete all that do not apply]  FORMTEXT [number]% of: your in-going contribution the in-going contribution paid by the next resident other basis  FORMTEXT [specify]4.4Sale costs (assuming the manager is the selling agent) Will you be required to pay the owner or manager any costs of re-leasing your unit? FORMCHECKBOX  Yes  FORMCHECKBOX  No[Note: Delete if this does not apply] If yes, you will be required to pay the owner or manager these costs of re-leasing your unit:[Note: Delete all that do not apply]  FORMTEXT [number]% of the marketing and advertising costs  FORMTEXT [number]% of the legal costs sale fee of  FORMTEXT [number]% of the sale price other  FORMTEXT [specify].4.5[Note: Delete if this does not apply] Other departure costs You will be required to pay these costs: FORMTEXT [Specify with amounts].4.6Post-departure costs Will you be required to pay costs after permanent departure? FORMCHECKBOX  Yes  FORMCHECKBOX  No [Note: Delete if this does not apply] If yes, you will be required to pay these costs after permanent departure:[Note: Delete all that do not apply] Rent until the earlier of the re-leasing of your unit or six months after departure until  FORMTEXT [Insert any earlier time]. Separate long term maintenance fund charge until the earlier of the re-leasing of your unit or six months after departure until  FORMTEXT [Insert any earlier time]. Other maintenance charges (as specified under Ongoing costs) until the earlier of the re-leasing of your unit or six months after departure until  FORMTEXT [Insert any earlier time]. Personal services fees until 28 days after departure until  FORMTEXT [Insert any earlier time].5. Departure entitlements5.1In-going contribution Will you be entitled to any refund of your in-going contribution? FORMCHECKBOX  Yes  FORMCHECKBOX  No Note: Delete if this does not apply] If yes, you will be entitled to:[Note: Delete all that do not apply] a refund of your in-going contribution of: $ FORMTEXT [number]  FORMTEXT [number]% your in-going contribution minus the above departure costs other  FORMTEXT [specify]. a refund based on the next in-going contribution of:  FORMTEXT [number]% the next in-going contribution minus the above departure costs other  FORMTEXT [specify]5.2[Note: Delete if this does not apply] Any refund will be paid: [Note: Delete all that do not apply] within 14 days of your permanent departure the settlement of the re-leasing of your unit or when the next resident takes possession by the earliest of: 14 days from the receipt of the next in-going contribution or purchase price for your unit; 14 days of the next resident taking possession of your unit; or six months after your permanent departure by  FORMTEXT [Insert other date or time].5.3Capital gains Will you be entitled to share in any capital gain on your unit (if the next resident pays a higher in-going contribution than you paid)? FORMCHECKBOX  Yes  FORMCHECKBOX  No Note: Delete if this does not apply] If yes, you will be entitled to share in any capital gain on your unit in this proportion:[Note: Delete all that do not apply]  FORMTEXT [number]%, which will be paid  FORMTEXT [Insert date or time]  FORMTEXT [Insert details of any different calculation], which will be paid  FORMTEXT [Insert date or time].5.4Capital losses Will you be required to share in any capital loss on your unit (if the next resident pays a lower in-going contribution than you paid)? FORMCHECKBOX  Yes  FORMCHECKBOX  No Note: Delete if this does not apply] If yes, you will be required to share in any capital loss on your unit, in this proportion:[Note: Delete all that do not apply]  FORMTEXT [number]%, which must be paid by  FORMTEXT [Insert date or time]  FORMTEXT [Insert details of any different calculation], which must be paid  FORMTEXT [Insert date or time]. The table on the next page sets out estimates of your departure entitlement after one, two, five and 10 years residence. [Note: Delete the table on the next page if there is no departure entitlement] Estimated Departure Entitlements [Note: Delete all items that do not apply] Base amount  FORMCHECKBOX  Your in-going contribution $ FORMTEXT       Additions to and deductions from base amount (each column to be completed using estimates for a typical unit of the type rented): If you depart after one year s residenceIf you depart after two years residenceIf you depart after five years residenceIf you depart after 10 years residencePlus estimated capital gain share $ FORMTEXT       (assuming estimated next in-going contribution of $ FORMTEXT      *)Plus estimated capital gain share $ FORMTEXT       (assuming estimated next in-going contribution of $ FORMTEXT      *)Plus estimated capital gain share $ FORMTEXT       (assuming estimated next in-going contribution of $ FORMTEXT      *)Plus estimated capital gain share $ FORMTEXT       (assuming estimated next in-going contribution of $ FORMTEXT      *)Minus departure fee $ FORMTEXT       (based on in-going contribution you paid) or minus estimated departure fee  FORMTEXT       (based on the estimated next in-going contribution above) $Minus departure fee $ FORMTEXT       (based on in-going contribution you paid) or Minus estimated departure fee $ FORMTEXT       (based on the estimated next in-going contribution above)Minus departure fee $ FORMTEXT       (based on in-going contribution   a b ~ ǶǖvgWJ9!jh"h8dOJQJU^Jh"h[,wOJQJ^Jh"h]5OJQJ^JaJh"h?gwOJQJ^JaJh"h{6OJQJ^JaJh"h{5OJQJ^JaJh"h{OJQJ^JaJ h"h?gwCJ(OJQJ^JaJ( h"hU]CJ(OJQJ^JaJ( h"h{CJ(OJQJ^JaJ($h"h@i6B*OJQJ^Jph' *h"h@i6B*OJQJ^Jph3 ) g  vv 8$Ifgd8dd]^gdiJ4yWdx]^y`WgdiJ & FyWdx]^y`WgdiJd]^gdxld]^gd@i6]^gd@i a+b N P d f h r t x , . 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(after five years) $ FORMTEXT      Minus estimated reinstatement or renovation costs (after 10 years) $ FORMTEXT      Minus long-term maintenance fund contribution $ FORMTEXT       (based on in-going contribution you paid) or Minus estimated long term maintenance fund contribution $ FORMTEXT       (based on the estimated next in-going contribution above)Minus long-term maintenance fund contribution $ FORMTEXT       (based on in-going contribution you paid) or Minus estimated long term maintenance fund contribution $ FORMTEXT       (based on the estimated next in-going contribution above)Minus long-term maintenance fund contribution $ FORMTEXT       (based on in-going contribution you paid) or Minus estimated long term maintenance fund contribution $ FORMTEXT       (based on the estimated next in-going contribution above)Minus long-term maintenance fund contribution $ FORMTEXT       (based on in-going contribution you paid) or Minus estimated long term maintenance fund contribution $ 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post-departure costs may apply (see p. FORMTEXT      ).Total estimated entitlement $ FORMTEXT       Note: post-departure costs may apply (see p. FORMTEXT      ).Total estimated entitlement $ FORMTEXT       Note: post-departure costs may apply (see p. FORMTEXT      ).Total estimated entitlement $ FORMTEXT       Note: post-departure costs may apply (see p. FORMTEXT      ). FORMTEXT (For ingoing contributions based only on the market value of the unit) *These estimates are based on the owner s or manager s estimate of  FORMTEXT [number]% annual capital growth.  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