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Cash flow projection This cash flow will provide an indication of profit for the first 12 months of proposed trade. Step 1: Go to  HYPERLINK "http://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/motorcartraders" consumer.vic.gov.au/motorcartraders Step 2: Open the Fees and forms page Step 3: Download and complete the Motor car trader cash flow projection template and lodge it with your application. It is recommended that you complete these templates on your computer to ensure you have ample space to provide all necessary details. If you need more space, photocopy pages as needed and attach them to this document and sign any photocopied pages. You must provide copies of documents to confirm the information provided on this form. Business plan Name of person submitting the business planIf not the applicant, what is your relation ship to the applicantDateObjective The purpose of this business plan template is to document information about your proposed business in a single document, and to identify the business model you intend to use to bring in continuous sales opportunities. Provide a brief statement about your broader objective for starting a motor car trading business. This should be similar to a mission statement that summarises your intended business model and outcomes.Background Provide details about any history you have within the motor car trading industry and whether you will have external assistance with the day-to-day management of the business (in terms of on-site management, accounting, record-keeping, etc)Internal business organisation chart Provide a business organisation chart of the motor car trading business, indicating names and job titles of each person involved in the business.Provide a brief summary of the role of each person in the motor car trading business, including the authority that each person has over the running of the business. This should include influential parties within a parent company and any party providing capital to the business.Business model Provide further detail about the proposed business model of the motor car trading business. Will you be selling specific brands/models of car?What sort of price point are you looking at for your cars (on average)? Do you intend this price point to change or continue over time?What sort of cars do you intend to sell? Please provide details. (e.g. luxury/prestige cars, cheap/first cars)Is this expansion of an existing business? If yes, you must provide a balance sheet/profit & loss statement for the existing businessHow many employees will you have, if any? Will they work full time/part time?Who will be on-site to manage the day-to-day aspects of the business? If someone else other than the applicant is taking on this role, please ensure they are listed in your application as an associate. What type of premises will you be working from? To verify this, you must provide: council permit to trade from these premises (all applications) lease agreement (if premises not owned by the applicant)Will you be selling cars online only?What system will you have in place to manage and resolve customer complaints?What approach will you take if a customer has a problem?Are you selling cars that fall within a statutory warranty period? How will you direct customers to resolve statutory warranty problems?Advertising Put an X against all the modes of advertisement you intend to use to trade in motor cars and provide more details where indicated. carsales.com.auTrading Postdrive.com.auNewspaper or magazine advertisements (list publications)Other (please specify)Resources How are you obtaining start-up capital to begin this business? Identify in the table below all of your sources of start-up capital and provide more details where indicated. Source of funds you must provide detailsSupporting information you should provideAmountHow much money are you personally providing to start up the business?Recent bank statementA family member/colleague/associate is providing cash for the business This person needs to be identified as an associate on the applicationA signed letter of confirmation from the person providing the funds, and confirmation whether it is a loan or a non-refundable gift If you are receiving funds from a trust, also provide a copy of the trust deedYou have an overdraft/credit facilityA letter of confirmation from the lending institute Recent bank statement Consent from any co-owner of the facilityYou are using equity in property you own to obtain a loanA signed statutory declaration from any co-owners of the property to confirm their permission to use equity for this purpose Also provide a letter of confirmation from the lending instituteOther (If these funds are not proved by a financial institution such as a bank, provide information about whether the amount has to be repaid and under what conditions)What amount of capital will you have access to in order to start the business? Amount of capital $List your start-up costs (where applicable) Initial stock purchases$Signage$Uniforms$Advertising$PPSR searches on initial stock$Website creation$Computers, office furniture and other office equipment$Rent/lease start-up costs$Point of sale materials (VACC forms/contracts, or forms/contracts sourced from other places)$Insurance start-up costs$Utilities start-up costs$ Declaration of personal finances Note: a separate copy of this section is required to be completed by a sole trader, each partner in a partnership, or all directors in a company unless a head company is providing indemnity for the motor car trading business. In this case, only the primary director(s) is required to complete this. Is there any outstanding litigation or liabilities which could affect your financial viability? If yes, provide full details. Do you currently receive any benefits, income, payment or similar from the State or Federal Government that would continue after commencement of operation as a motor car trader e.g. Centrelink or Pension? If yes, provide full details.Is your salary, wage earnings or other income subject to a garnishee order, attachment or similar? If yes, provide full details.If you are in a married or de facto relationship, is your partner currently working? If yes, provide details indicating their approximate gross monthly earnings.Statement of Your Assets and Liabilities If you co-own any of these assets with other people, you should only declare your share of the asset. PERSONAL ASSETS (your share)LIABILITIES (your share)Real EstateValue Mortgage toMonthly paymentsTotal OwingResidential Address: (Please provide rates notice to verify ownership)$Name of lender and type of loan (eg fixed term, interest-only, refinancing):$$Name(s) on title:Amount available, if any, under Redraw$Other Property (Address):$ Name of lender and type of loan (eg fixed term, interest-only, refinancing):$$Name(s) on title:Amount available, if any, under Redraw$Motor Vehicle / Motor Bike / Boat (include model, make, year)ValueLoan(s) / Finance (Name of Lender/ Financier)Monthly paymentsBalance Owing$$$$$$$$$Home contentsValueCredit cards - Name of ProviderMonthly RepaymentsBalance OwingAddress: $$$$$$$ Savings / InvestmentsValuePersonal LoansMonthly RepaymentsBalance OwingName of financial institution: Account name: Account number:$ Name of financial institution:$$Name of financial institution: Account name: Account number:$ Name of financial institution:$$Name of financial institution: Account name: Account number:$ Other lender:$$Cash on Hand$Personal overdraft / Line of credit Name of financial institution:$$Other (inc: shareholdings, term deposits)ValueAny Other Liabilities (eg guarantees, personal borrowings)Repayment Rate (if any)Balance Owing$$$$$$$$$TOTAL ASSETS$TOTAL LIABILITIES$ Personal income and expense details Note: If you declare income that will cease upon starting business as a motor car trader, such as wages from a job that you will not continue to work at, you must note this as a change in circumstance. For income or expenses that are incurred at periods other than monthly, calculate the expected monthly average over the course of a year. PERSONAL INCOMEMonthly AmountGovernment benefit - state type of benefit$Family allowance$Salary / wages state name of employer$Salary / wages state name of employer$Other income / earnings - state source of income$Other income / earnings - state source of income$TOTAL INCOME$ PERSONAL EXPENSESMonthly PaymentsGas / electricity / water / council rates$Rent$Motor vehicle insurance, registration & running costs$Insurance (home, life, medical, etc.)$School fees, childcare, maintenance$Food and groceries, clothing, entertainment, holidays$Expenses related to other income eg, if claiming rental income, what are the related monthly expenses (rates, management fees, body corporate fees)$Internet access, telephone landline, mobile phone, pay TV$Court judgement / fees$Other(provide details)TOTAL EXPENSE$ Comment on any change that is likely to affect your financial situation in the future Certification and signature I certify that the contents of this form are true and correct. I understand that it is an offence under section 84A of the Motor Car Traders Act 1986, for a person to knowingly make an incorrect statement or omit any information in relation to a licence application and that significant penalties may apply for failure to comply with this section. I understand if any change occurs in the information I have provided in this form I must notify the Business Licensing Authority in writing as soon as becoming aware of the change. Signature of person making this certificationPrint nameDateNote: You must attach copies of financial documents to this form or it will be returned to you. You must attach documents to verify the available funds, assets and liabilities (e.g. photocopies of latest rates notice, bank statements, loan statements, loan approval letters etc). If you do not provide this documentation, your application will be returned to you. You may also be required to provide further documentation in support of your declaration.     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