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You can find relevant documents and additional guidance at consumer.vic.gov.au/co-operativesFor the purpose of the Special Postal Ballot of the ___________________________ Co-operative Limited/Ltd (insert name), and as required by section 248 of the Co-operatives National Law (ɫƵ) (the CNL), the following disclosures are made: Purpose The purpose of this special postal ballot is to transfer the incorporation of ___________________________ Co-operative Limited/Ltd (insert name) from that of a co-operative under the CNL to that of an incorporated association incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012. Financial position of the co-operative The financial position of the co-operative is as detailed in the most recent audited accounts (an attached copy not more than 6 months old is attached) of the co-operative for the year ending __________ (insert date) or The financial position of the co-operative is as detailed in the most recent financial statements of the co-operative for the year ending __________ (insert date). Provide figures under the following headings: Income Expenditure Funds in bank account Total assets [includes cash in the bank, etc] Liabilities Directors interests The directors of the board will need to confirm whether they have any interest, financial or otherwise, in the proposal that is the subject of this special postal ballot. Compensation or consideration to be paid to members or officers The directors of the board need to confirm whether any compensation or consideration will be paid to officers or members of the co-operative in connection with the proposal, which is the subject of the special postal ballot. Rules The rules of the proposed rules of the association may be inspected on request at the registered office of the co-operative. A copy may also be provided on request for the price provided for in the Rules. Notice of Special Postal Ballot Notice is given that a special postal ballot of the co-operative will be held on the _______ (insert date) for the purpose of considering, and if thought fit, passing the following resolutions which will be proposed as special resolutions: Special Resolutions The _________________________ (insert name of co-operative) make application pursuant to Section 403 of the CNL to become registered as an incorporated association under the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012. The name of the proposed incorporated association shall be ____________________________ Inc. (insert name of incorporated association) The rules marked Annexure A are approved and adopted as the proposed rules of the incorporated association. A person appointed by the Board be authorised to take all such actions necessary to facilitate the incorporation of the association __________________________ (insert name) be the first secretary of the incorporated association. The registered office of the incorporated association shall be __________________________ (insert address). Proposed transfer of incorporation The principal reasons for the proposed change are as follows: (insert text) Any rules adopted for the purpose of transfer of incorporation shall not: Impose on the members of the new body who were members of the co-operative at the date of transfer any greater or different liability to contribute to the assets of the new body than the liability to which they were subject as members of the co-operative. Deprive any member of the new body of any preferential rights with respect to dividend or capital to which the member was entitled as a member of the co-operative as at the date of transfer. All members of the co-operative shall become members of the proposed association. The association will cease to exist after migration. Members may be repaid their share capital in the co-operative or donate it to the proposed association if they so desire. Disclaimer Co-operatives may wish to include a disclaimer statement. It is not possible for a disclaimer statement to include all material relevant to each co-operatives circumstances. Each member should make his or her own enquiries, and is advised to obtain professional advice if they feel this necessary.     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