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Include any explanations that may be required as to the effect of the rules The ongoing eligibility requirements, including active membership requirements, to maintain membership The procedures to be followed by applicants for membership, for example details as to the completion of an application form and payment required for shares. The rights and liabilities attracting to the shares This section should set out all relevant financial and non-financial details in relation to the shares including details of minimum/maximum subscriptions required, cause payable or other ongoing obligations with respect to shares applied for. Contracts This section should set out a summary of the key features of all contracts required to be entered into by the co-operative including contracts required to be entered into between a member and a co-operative. Proposed office holders This section should set out: Details of the full name and address of those who have agreed in writing to become directors or other office holders in the proposed co-operative The relevant qualifications of the directors and officers to suit them for an involvement in the management and business of the proposed co-operative. Rights and liabilities attaching to membership in the proposed co-operative This section should set out: The rights and liabilities attaching to the ownership of shares in the proposed co-operative A summary of the provisions of the rules providing for imposition of fines or other material obligations on a member Requirements of members to trade with or otherwise be engaged in dealings with the proposed co-operative Amounts required to be paid to the proposed co-operative with respect to shares or otherwise Provisions relating to the termination of membership and forfeiture of shares Rights and restrictions on transfer of shares Obligations to subscribe for further shares in the proposed co-operative Details of compulsory loans or other payments required to be made Liability (if any) for the debts of the co-operative and the position of members on winding up or other administration in insolvency Details of any other rights and liabilities attaching to shares in the proposed co-operative (including the capital required for the co-operative). If any items on this list are already addressed in the proposed rules of the co-operative, they do not need to be repeated here. Financial Projections This section should include: Details of the projected income and expenditure of the proposed co-operative for its first year of operation. Where appropriate, such statement should be submitted by a properly qualified accountant as an expert and the experts consent given to the inclusion of the projections in the disclosure statement Pro forma balance sheet The estimated cost of formation. Rules This section should set out a summary of principal provisions of the rules proposed for the co-operative. Disclaimer Co-operatives may wish to include a disclaimer statement. It is not possible for a disclaimer statement to include all material relevant to each co-operatives circumstances. Each member should make his or her own enquiries, and is advised to obtain professional advice if they feel this necessary.     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Oh+'0(4@T ht    DDisclosure statement for formation of a distributing co-operativeCo-operativesConsumer Affairs ɫƵ Normal.dotm Halina Tam19Microsoft Office Word@\ @T/ @}-@u}WW ՜.+,D՜.+,Px  2 BDisclosure statement for formation of a distributing co-operative Title piq}  ! U a _PID_LINKBASETRIMID Language TRIM_DateDue TRIM_AuthorTRIM_Container TRIM_Creator TRIM_DateRegistered TRIM_OwnerLocation TRIM_ResponsibleOfficer TRIM_TitleA CD/13/86802English D'ARCY, Stephen (Inactive) DG/14/7159D'ARCY, Stephen (Inactive)8 March, 2013,Policy & Corporate Services Division (CAV) pTemplate - Master template - Co-operatives - Disclosure statement for formation of a distributing co-operative  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWYZ[\]^_abcdefgjRoot Entry F0}lData 1TablewWordDocument8&SummaryInformation(XDocumentSummaryInformation8`CompObjr  F Microsoft Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q