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You can find other template documents and additional guidance at consumer.vic.gov.au/co-operativesName Former names (if applicable) Occupation Postal address Email address I hereby apply (a) to be admitted as a member of the _______________________ Co-operative Limited (insert name) and to be allotted _____________shares therein: or (b) to be allotted ________________ additional shares in the abovenamed co-operative- and in respect of such application I lodge herewith/undertake to lodge (strike out the words which are inapplicable) in accordance with the rules the sum of $ __________________ which sum is made up as follows: Entrance fee $ _________________ Paid up share capital $ _________________ Total $ _________________ I am over the age of eighteen years or I am under the age of eighteen years having been born on ________________ (insert date of birth). If this application be approved and the shares as aforesaid be allotted to me I agree to pay outstanding share capital in accordance with section 121 of the Co-operatives National Law (ɫƵ) and I agree to be bound by the rules of the co-operative and by any alterations thereof registered in accordance with the abovenamed Act. Applicant signature _______________________________________ Date Witness name and signature Note. Pursuant to section 120(1) of the Co-operatives National Law (ɫƵ), no rights of membership shall be exercised until the member has made such payments or acquired such share or interest as specified in the rules in that behalf. The Co-operatives National Law (ɫƵ) can be found at the Appendix to the NSW Co-operatives (Adoption of National Law) Act 2012.     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