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Review of operations The report must contain a review of operations during the year and the result of those operations. Change of affairs The report must give details of any significant changes in the co-operatives state of affairs during the year. Future developments The report must give details of any matter or circumstance that has arisen since the end of the year that has significantly affected, or may significantly affect: the co-operatives operations in future financial years; or the results of those operations in future financial years; or the co-operatives state of affairs in future financial years. The report must also refer to likely developments in the co-operatives operations in future financial years and the expected results of those operations. Note: The co-operative is not required to report on information that is likely to result in unreasonable prejudice to the co-operative if information is omitted, the report must note this. Environmental reporting If the co-operatives operations are subject to any particular and significant environmental regulation under a law of the Commonwealth or of a State or Territorythe report must give details of the co-operatives performance in relation to environmental regulation. Specific information Dividends/Distributions The report must include details of: dividends or distributions paid to members during the year; and dividends or distributions recommended or declared for payment to members, but not paid, during the year. Names of relevant persons The report must include the name of each person who: is an officer of the co-operative at any time during the year; and was a partner in an audit firm, or a director of an audit company, that is an auditor of the co-operative for the year; and was such a partner or director at a time when the audit firm or the audit company undertook an audit of the co-operative; and The report must also include details of: each directors qualifications, experience and special ɫƵ; and the number of meetings of the board of directors held during the year and each directors attendance at those meetings; and the number of meetings of each board committee held during the year and each directors attendance at those meetings; and the qualifications and experience of each person who is the secretary of the co-operative as at the end of the year. Options The report must include details of options that are: granted over unissued shares or unissued interests during or since the end of the year; and granted to any of the directors or any of the five most highly remunerated officers of the co-operative (other than the directors); and granted to them as part of their remuneration (see subsections (4)(6)). The report must also include details of unissued shares or interests under option as at the day the report is made (see subsections (4) and (6)). Issue of shares The report must include details of shares or interests issued during or since the end of the year as a result of the exercise of an option over unissued shares or interests. Indemnities and insurance premiums for officers or auditors The report must include details of: any indemnity that is given to a current or former officer or auditor against a liability, or any relevant agreement under which an officer or auditor may be given an indemnity of that kind; and any premium that is paid, or agreed to be paid, for insurance against a current or former officers or auditors liability for legal costs. Proceedings on behalf of a co-operative The report must include details of any legal proceedings brought on behalf of the co-operative. (a) Auditors Independence Declaration A copy of the auditors independence declaration as required under Section 283 of Co-operatives National Law (ɫƵ) and Section 307C of the Corporations Act 2001 is included with the financial reports. (b) Non audited services Details do not have to be included in the directors report if they are included in the co-operatives financial report for the financial year. Where this has occurred, the report must include details of where in the financial report this information can be located. Attachments The following must also be attached to the report: a copy of the auditors independence declaration in relation to the audit for the financial year; and if the financial report was required to include additional information to provide a true and fair view, the reasons why the directors formed the opinion it was necessary to insert that information. This report is made in accordance with a resolution of the board and is signed for and on behalf of the directors. Signed at ___________________________ (insert location) on the ___________________ (insert date). 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U a _PID_LINKBASETRIMID Language TRIM_DateDue TRIM_AuthorTRIM_Container TRIM_Creator TRIM_DateRegistered TRIM_OwnerLocation TRIM_ResponsibleOfficer TRIM_TitleA CD/13/86971English D'ARCY, Stephen (Inactive) DG/14/7191D'ARCY, Stephen (Inactive)8 March, 2013,Policy & Corporate Services Division (CAV) PTemplate - Master template - Co-operatives - Annual report - directors' report  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ACDEFGHIKLMNOPQTUXRoot Entry F }W1TablePQWordDocument 80SummaryInformation(BDocumentSummaryInformation8JMsoDataStore`A } }LKRW2SKHJ2Q==2`A } }Item PropertiesUCompObj r   F Microsoft Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q